


Balasan baru

Lebih dari satu tahun
I used to enjoy Eliteoptionmax's services, but my satisfaction took a hit recently. Today, all my charts suddenly went dead, and on other accounts, crypto is accessible, but not on Eliteoptionmax's servers. To make matters worse, I couldn't close a trade or address the issue because the live chat was bombarding me with ending chat options, avoiding my questions altogether. Frustrated, I reached out via email, expressing my concerns and requesting a withdrawal solely due to this issue. What could have been a 5-star rating turned into disappointment – $60 likely lost over an issue that could have been resolved promptly. My impression has dwindled. Fortunately, after three days of back-and-forth with support, the issue got resolved, and my withdrawal is now in progress.
I used to enjoy Eliteoptionmax's services, but my satisfaction took a hit recently. Today, all my charts suddenly went dead, and on other accounts, crypto is accessible, but not on Eliteoptionmax's servers. To make matters worse, I couldn't close a trade or address the issue because the live chat was bombarding me with ending chat options, avoiding my questions altogether. Frustrated, I reached out via email, expressing my concerns and requesting a withdrawal solely due to this issue. What could have been a 5-star rating turned into disappointment – $60 likely lost over an issue that could have been resolved promptly. My impression has dwindled. Fortunately, after three days of back-and-forth with support, the issue got resolved, and my withdrawal is now in progress.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2023-12-29 17:59
Chow Kok Liang
Lebih dari satu tahun
I give Eliteoptionmax a rating of 0. They deserve it. They indeed increased the spread at market open to cut into our profits. When the spread normalized for professional accounts, the profits didn't increase. They reduced our profits by 20 pips. Don't trust this company; they're scammers.
I give Eliteoptionmax a rating of 0. They deserve it. They indeed increased the spread at market open to cut into our profits. When the spread normalized for professional accounts, the profits didn't increase. They reduced our profits by 20 pips. Don't trust this company; they're scammers.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2024-01-26 18:48
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