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Peringatan: Skor WikiFX Terlalu Rendah,Silakan Menghindar! 2
Deteksi sebelumnya : 2025-03-11
  • Telah diverifikasi bahwa broker saat ini tidak memiliki peraturan yang valid, harap perhatikan risikonya!
  • Informasi terkini menunjukkan bahwa broker ini tidak memiliki software trading. Mohon berhati-hati!

Penilaian WikiFX

Tredero · Profil perusahaan
Tredero Ringkasan Ulasan
Negara/Daerah TerdaftarMauritius
RegulasiTidak ada regulasi
Instrumen PasarSaham, mata uang digital, indeks, mata uang asing, barang
Akun Demo/
LeverageHingga 1:500
SpreadMulai dari 1.8 pip (Akun Startup)
Platform TradingXcritical
Deposit Minimum$250
Dukungan PelangganObrolan langsung, formulir kontak
Tel: 23052970264
Pembatasan RegionalUSA, Seychelles, Myanmar, Iran, dan Korea Utara

Tredero didaftarkan pada tahun 2022 di Mauritius. Di platformnya, pelanggan dapat melakukan perdagangan saham, mata uang digital, indeks, mata uang asing, dan barang. Ini menawarkan 5 jenis akun, dengan deposit minimum sebesar $250 dan leverage maksimum hingga 1:500. Namun, perusahaan ini tidak diatur, dan tidak menyediakan layanan kepada penduduk di daerah tertentu.

Beranda Tredero

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan

Kelebihan Kekurangan
Beragam aset yang dapat diperdagangkanPembatasan regional
Berbagai pilihan akunKurangnya regulasi
Dukungan obrolan langsungTidak ada MT4 atau MT5
Deposit minimum yang tinggi diperlukan
Opsi pembayaran terbatas

Apakah Tredero Legal?

Tidak, Tredero tidak diatur oleh otoritas regulasi jasa keuangan di Mauritius, yang berarti bahwa perusahaan ini tidak memiliki regulasi dari situs pendaftaran. Selain itu, status domainnya menunjukkan bahwa transfer klien dilarang. Harap perhatikan risiko potensial.

Tidak ada lisensi
Informasi domain

Apa yang Bisa Saya Perdagangkan di Tredero?

Tredero menyediakan beberapa jenis produk, termasuk saham, mata uang digital, indeks, mata uang asing, dan barang.

Instrumen yang Dapat Diperdagangkan Didukung
Mata Uang Asing
Mata Uang Digital
Apa yang Dapat Saya Perdagangkan di Tredero?

Jenis Akun

Tredero menawarkan 5 jenis akun, termasuk Startup, Bronze, Silver, Gold, dan Platinum. Namun, tidak disebutkan apakah akun demo tersedia atau tidak.

Jenis AkunDeposit MinimumLeverage MaksimumSpread
Startup$2501:500Mulai dari 1.8 pip
Bronze$3,000Mulai dari 1.5 pip
Silver$10,000Mulai dari 1.3 pip
Gold$30,0001:250Mulai dari 1.0 pip
Platinum$100k+DisesuaikanMulai dari 0.8 pip
Perbandingan Akun


Leverage dapat mencapai 1:500. Trader perlu mempertimbangkan dengan hati-hati sebelum berinvestasi, karena leverage tinggi berpotensi membawa risiko tinggi.

Platform Perdagangan

Tredero menggunakan platform perdagangan miliknya sendiri yang disebut xCritical, dan tidak mendukung MT4 atau MT5.

Platform PerdaganganDidukung Perangkat yang Tersedia Cocok untuk
XcriticalMobile, web/
MT5/Trader berpengalaman

Deposit dan Penarikan

Tredero hanya mendukung metode pembayaran Mastercard dan VISA.

Ikon Pembayaran

Ulasan Pengguna


Komentar pengguna



Kirim Komentar

I have used a lot of broker`s services and could understand that I care only about one thing, how affordable and beneficial for me, is trading with a particular broker. Not the cutting edge platforms, not wide selection of educational materials, not super-friendly support, just raw trading conditions, in terms of broker`s cost. Tredero is a good example of this concept. Their platform is a bit outdated and they don`t provide fascinating additional services, but their conditions of trading crypto suited me well. Even though they charge commissions per lot and spreads, the cost is still cheaper than just variable spreads that tend to be very wide, when we speak about bitcoin. These conditions, combined with higher than market leverage provided me the reasons to trade with Tredero.
I have used a lot of broker`s services and could understand that I care only about one thing, how affordable and beneficial for me, is trading with a particular broker. Not the cutting edge platforms, not wide selection of educational materials, not super-friendly support, just raw trading conditions, in terms of broker`s cost. Tredero is a good example of this concept. Their platform is a bit outdated and they don`t provide fascinating additional services, but their conditions of trading crypto suited me well. Even though they charge commissions per lot and spreads, the cost is still cheaper than just variable spreads that tend to be very wide, when we speak about bitcoin. These conditions, combined with higher than market leverage provided me the reasons to trade with Tredero.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2024-12-13 18:54
I wanted to write something like a review about Tredero and trading conditions that are available to me on this platform. I'm happy with my broker and therefore I want to show other traders that this is a good option Screenshot that I attached to this comment shows that Tredero has several accounts, depending on what minimum deposit company's client is willing to make. I have almost 5000 dollars on my trading account and therefore I have Bronze one. I have some advantages, including a narrower spread compared to the base account. And I can also use services of Dedicated representative. Leverage on my account is up to x500, which means that with moderate risk I can get big profit.
I wanted to write something like a review about Tredero and trading conditions that are available to me on this platform. I'm happy with my broker and therefore I want to show other traders that this is a good option Screenshot that I attached to this comment shows that Tredero has several accounts, depending on what minimum deposit company's client is willing to make. I have almost 5000 dollars on my trading account and therefore I have Bronze one. I have some advantages, including a narrower spread compared to the base account. And I can also use services of Dedicated representative. Leverage on my account is up to x500, which means that with moderate risk I can get big profit.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2024-11-15 08:15