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New Finance LLC

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Peringatan: Skor WikiFX Terlalu Rendah,Silakan Menghindar! 2
Deteksi sebelumnya : 2025-03-09
  • Telah diverifikasi bahwa broker saat ini tidak memiliki peraturan yang valid, harap perhatikan risikonya!
  • Informasi terkini menunjukkan bahwa broker ini tidak memiliki software trading. Mohon berhati-hati!

Penilaian WikiFX

NEWFX · Profil perusahaan

Informasi Umum

NEWFX diduga sebagai broker forex stp/ecn global yang berbasis di dominic yang menyediakan kliennya dengan platform perdagangan meattrader4 standar industri, leverage hingga 1:100, spread tetap atau mengambang dan tanpa komisi di lebih dari 250 instrumen keuangan yang dapat diperdagangkan, serta pilihan tujuh jenis akun live yang berbeda.

Instrumen Pasar

NEWFX mengiklankan bahwa ia menawarkan lebih dari 250 instrumen perdagangan di lima kelas aset di pasar keuangan, termasuk cfd pada valas, indeks, komoditas, saham, dan mata uang kripto.

Jenis Akun

Ada tujuh akun trading live yang ditawarkan oleh NEWFX, yaitu Basic, Discovery, Silver, Gold, Premium, VIP, dan VIP+. Membuka akun Dasar memerlukan jumlah setoran awal minimum $200, sedangkan enam jenis akun lainnya dengan persyaratan modal awal yang jauh lebih tinggi yaitu $2.000, $5.000, $10.000, $15.000, $30.000, dan $50.000.


rasio leverage maksimum yang disediakan oleh NEWFX hingga 1:100. Ingatlah bahwa leverage dapat memperbesar keuntungan maupun kerugian, trader yang tidak berpengalaman tidak disarankan untuk menggunakan leverage yang terlalu tinggi.

Spread & Komisi

pedagang yang berbeda dapat menikmati spread yang sangat berbeda. juga, spread dipengaruhi oleh kelas aset yang dimiliki trader. NEWFX mengungkapkan bahwa spread default untuk forex adalah 1:50, untuk komoditas atau indeks adalah 4%, untuk saham adalah 10%, untuk cryptocurrency adalah 100%. namun, spread yang dialami pemula atau profesional berbeda. khususnya, spread untuk forex, komoditas, indeks, saham, dan mata uang kripto masing-masing adalah 1:100, 2%, 2%, 5%, dan 50% pada pemula, sedangkan prosesi dapat menikmati 1:200, 1%, 1%, 2,5% dan 20% secara terpisah. semua tidak memungut komisi.

Platform Perdagangan Tersedia

ketika datang ke platform perdagangan yang tersedia, NEWFX memberi pedagang pedagang web, pedagang seluler, dan metatrader4. mt4 adalah platform perdagangan paling terkenal dan banyak digunakan di dunia, menawarkan 9 kerangka waktu berbeda, indikator teknis, perdagangan sekali klik, eas otomatis, dan banyak lagi. sedangkan dengan mobile trader, trading dapat dilakukan dari mana saja dan kapan saja melalui terminal mobile yang tepat termasuk android dan ios.


Setoran & Penarikan

NEWFX menerima deposit melalui kartu kredit seperti visa dan mastercard, transfer bank dan cryptocurrency bitcoin. persyaratan setoran minimum untuk kartu kredit adalah € 200, sedangkan jumlah setoran maksimum dengan kartu kredit adalah € 50.000 untuk setiap bulan kalender. dan jumlah maksimum per deposit atau transaksi adalah $/€ 5.000. broker mengatakan tidak membebankan biaya penarikan melalui kartu kredit, namun, sedikit biaya diterapkan untuk semua permintaan transfer bank. Adapun waktu pemrosesan permintaan deposit dan penarikan, deposit melalui kartu kredit dapat diproses secara real-time atau dalam satu hari kerja; penarikan dengan kartu kredit dapat memakan waktu hingga satu siklus penagihan untuk mengkreditkan dana ke kartu kredit; penyetoran atau penarikan melalui transfer bank biasanya memerlukan waktu 1-2 hari (domestik) dan 3-5 hari kerja (internasional).


NEWFX akan membebankan beberapa biaya rollover. untuk lebih spesifik, 0,015% dari eksposur semalam untuk mata uang, komoditas, indeks, saham dan etfs, sedangkan 0,05% untuk cryptocurrency, baik pada klien ritel atau klien profesional.

Dukungan Pelanggan

Dukungan pelanggan NEWFX dapat dihubungi melalui telepon: +44 77 2387 6639, email:, atau live chat. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa mengikuti broker ini di beberapa platform media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, dan YouTube. Kantor UK: 33 Cavendish Square, Marylebone, London W1G 0PW, United Kingdom; Kantor UEA: Pusat Perdagangan Pusat Perdagangan 2 – Dubai – Uni Emirat Arab; Kantor AS: 1000 NW Street, Mid-Town Brandy Wine, Ste 1200, Wilmington, DE 19801 Delaware, Amerika Serikat.

Ulasan Pengguna


Komentar pengguna



Kirim Komentar

Lebih dari satu tahun NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2024-01-18 16:03
Lebih dari satu tahun NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2023-09-19 21:30