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Peringatan: Skor WikiFX Terlalu Rendah,Silakan Menghindar!
Deteksi sebelumnya : 2025-02-07
  • Telah diverifikasi bahwa broker saat ini tidak memiliki peraturan yang valid, harap perhatikan risikonya!

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Saya berinvestasi melalui penarikan sedang ditahan

Pertama-tama, saya bertemu dengan seseorang di sini di telegram dan dia mengarahkan saya ke nebulaforex untuk berinvestasi dan saya bertanya tentang keabsahannya, dia mengatakan dia 💯 yakin itu sah, lalu saya memulai dengan 50$. Setelah beberapa bulan mencoba menarik keuntungan saya, mereka mengatakan bahwa saya harus menyelesaikan deposit minimum menjadi 100$ dan saya menyelesaikannya. Mereka mengatakan bahwa sekarang saya bisa menarik, jadi saya mencoba menarik dan menghadapi beberapa tantangan. Saya datang kepada mereka dan mereka mengatakan biarkan saldo keuntungan mencapai 1000$, itu adalah penarikan minimum. Saya menunggu beberapa hari, setelah keuntungan mencapai 1700$ dan saya melakukan penarikan tetapi saya tidak menerimanya. Setelah saya melakukan penarikan dan menunggu keuntungan saya, saya baru saja diberitahu bahwa saya harus membayar biaya gas sebesar 52$. Saya membayarnya, tetapi setelah itu saya tidak menerimanya. Omo, saya merasa seperti ingin mati. Mereka datang dan mengatakan bahwa masih ada biaya komisi yang harus saya bayar. Jika saya membayar biaya komisi, saya akan segera menerima keuntungan saya. Saya membayar biaya komisi dan tetap tidak menerimanya. Saya menghubungi mereka dan mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka telah menunda saya. Pada akhirnya, mereka yang menunda saya. Setiap kali saya mencoba membayar sesuatu, mereka akan merespons.

2025-02-06 04:07

Ulasan Pengguna


Komentar pengguna



Kirim Komentar

Firstly I met one guy here in telegram and he referred me to nebulaforex to invest and I ask for it's legitness he said he's 💯 sure it's legit, then I start with 50$ after some month's try to withdraw my profit they said I should complete the minimum deposit to 100$ and I completed the said I can withdraw now I went to withdraw and I faced some challenges I came to them they said let the profit balance reach 1000$ that's the minimum withdrawal I wait for a days, after the profit reach 1700$ and i made the withdrawal but i didn't receive it After I made the withdrawal waiting for my profit I just notified that I should pay for gas fees that's was 52$ i paid after that I didn't receive it Omo I feel like dieying the come say remaining commission fees if I pay for commission I'll receive my profit immediately I paid for commission fees and I didn't receive it, I reached to them they I've delayed after all they're the one delayed me Any time if I try to pay something they'll respond.
Firstly I met one guy here in telegram and he referred me to nebulaforex to invest and I ask for it's legitness he said he's 💯 sure it's legit, then I start with 50$ after some month's try to withdraw my profit they said I should complete the minimum deposit to 100$ and I completed the said I can withdraw now I went to withdraw and I faced some challenges I came to them they said let the profit balance reach 1000$ that's the minimum withdrawal I wait for a days, after the profit reach 1700$ and i made the withdrawal but i didn't receive it After I made the withdrawal waiting for my profit I just notified that I should pay for gas fees that's was 52$ i paid after that I didn't receive it Omo I feel like dieying the come say remaining commission fees if I pay for commission I'll receive my profit immediately I paid for commission fees and I didn't receive it, I reached to them they I've delayed after all they're the one delayed me Any time if I try to pay something they'll respond.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2025-02-06 04:07
They are scammers they don't give withdrawal they take your money too
They are scammers they don't give withdrawal they take your money too
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2024-10-03 19:01