
1.53 /10


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Indeks Regulasi0.00


Manajemen Resiko0.00

Indeks perangkat lunak4.00


Mesin waktu

Informasi Regulasi

Tidak ada informasi peraturan yang valid, harap perhatikan risikonya

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Peringatan: Skor WikiFX Terlalu Rendah,Silakan Menghindar!
Deteksi sebelumnya : 2025-02-02
  • Telah diverifikasi bahwa broker saat ini tidak memiliki peraturan yang valid, harap perhatikan risikonya!

Penilaian WikiFX

Oneforex · Profil perusahaan
Oneforex Ringkasan Ulasan
Negara/Daerah TerdaftarChina
RegulasiTidak Diatur
Instrumen PasarForex, Saham, Komoditas, dll.
Akun DemoTidak Dinyatakan
LeverageHingga 1:1000
SpreadMulai dari 0.9 pips
Platform TradingMetaTrader 4

Oneforex Informasi

Oneforex adalah broker yang tidak diatur. Sejak didirikan pada tahun 2015, broker ini menawarkan berbagai instrumen perdagangan termasuk forex, saham, dan komoditas, melalui platform MetaTrader 4. Broker ini menawarkan tiga jenis akun kepada klien dengan leverage tinggi hingga 1:1000 dan spread fleksibel mulai dari 0.9 pips.

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan

  • Dukungan MetaTrader 4
  • Kurangnya regulasi
  • Menawarkan tiga jenis akun
  • Informasi terbatas tentang deposit dan penarikan
  • Leverage tinggi hingga 1:1000

Apakah Oneforex Legal?

Oneforex tidak diatur oleh otoritas keuangan manapun.

Apakah Oneforex Legal?

Apa yang Bisa Saya Perdagangkan di Oneforex?

Oneforex menawarkan banyak instrumen pasar, termasuk forex, indeks, cryptocurrency, saham, dan komoditas.

Instrumen PerdaganganDidukung

Jenis Akun

Oneforex menyediakan tiga jenis akun, termasuk Akun Dasar, Akun Premium, dan Akun VIP. Anda dapat merujuk ke tabel untuk rincian lebih lanjut.

Jenis AkunDeposit MinimumLeverageSpreadInstrumen TradingFitur Tambahan
Dasar$100Hingga 1:200Dari 2 pipPasangan mata uang utama, komoditas terbatas & indeksDukungan pelanggan dasar, sumber daya pendidikan dasar
Premium$10,000Hingga 1:500Dari 1 pipPasangan mata uang utama & minor, komoditas, indeks, saham terpilihManajer akun yang didedikasikan, alat grafik canggih, analisis pasar, dukungan prioritas, sumber daya pendidikan & webinar premium
VIP$50,000Hingga 1:1000Dari 0.9 pipRange lengkap pasangan mata uang, komoditas, indeks, saham, mata uang kriptoManajer akun VIP yang dipersonalisasi, riset eksklusif, strategi kustom, acara VIP, dukungan premium, alat perdagangan & sinyal canggih

Biaya Oneforex

Tiga akun Oneforex memiliki fitur yang berbeda untuk spread dan komisi. Anda dapat merujuk ke tabel untuk rincian lebih lanjut.

Jenis AkunSpreadKomisi
DasarEUR/USD: 2 pipGBP/USD: 2.5 pipUSD/JPY: 1.5 pipTidak ada komisi tambahan
PremiumEUR/USD: 1.5 pipGBP/USD: 2 pipUSD/JPY: 1 pip$5 per lot standar
VIPEUR/USD: 1 pipGBP/USD: 1.5 pipUSD/JPY: 0.9 pip$3 per lot standar

Platform Trading

Platform TradingDidukungPerangkat TersediaCocok untuk
MetaTrader 4PC dan MobileInvestor dengan segala tingkat pengalaman

Ulasan Pengguna


Komentar pengguna



Kirim Komentar

Lebih dari satu tahun
Thousands of lives have been ruined. All investors were scammed only the first starters was able to get away. Majority got stuck and they held all funds. Report was made to Exossystemsllc . io for investigation and help. It took them few days and they were able to discover where all investors funds were hidden. Those who reported to them for help got back all their lost funds. I know of 10 people who reported and got back their money.
Thousands of lives have been ruined. All investors were scammed only the first starters was able to get away. Majority got stuck and they held all funds. Report was made to Exossystemsllc . io for investigation and help. It took them few days and they were able to discover where all investors funds were hidden. Those who reported to them for help got back all their lost funds. I know of 10 people who reported and got back their money.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2023-05-10 20:38
I am shocked that Oneforex scam company has been sued, hope they will be punished and the money will be returned to the victim. Seriously, these crooks have ruined many people's lives!
I am shocked that Oneforex scam company has been sued, hope they will be punished and the money will be returned to the victim. Seriously, these crooks have ruined many people's lives!
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2023-03-09 10:22