Burkina Faso

2024-12-06 14:50

IndustriMy journey in Forex trading
Like many, I was attracted by the promises of Forex trading. My beginnings were promising, but quickly I realized that the market was much more complex than I imagined. The losses piled up, causing me to question my methods. I understood that training was essential. By immersing myself in books, online courses and webinars, I gained the knowledge necessary to understand the mechanics of the market. I have developed a solid strategy, based on rigorous risk management and in-depth analyses. Today, I approach trading with a new, more rational and disciplined approach. The results are there, more stable and in line with my objectives. What I learned: Training is key: Never neglect learning. Patience is a virtue: Trading is a marathon. Discipline is key: Follow your plan and manage your emotions. Losses are part of the game: Learn from your mistakes. My advice to beginners: Start by training yourself solidly, develop a strategy adapted to your profile, and above all, be patient and perseverant. In summary, my journey in Forex trading has been a real learning experience. The challenges I encountered allowed me to grow and become a wiser trader. And you, where are you in your journey? #NewUserEvent
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My journey in Forex trading
Burkina Faso | 2024-12-06 14:50
Like many, I was attracted by the promises of Forex trading. My beginnings were promising, but quickly I realized that the market was much more complex than I imagined. The losses piled up, causing me to question my methods. I understood that training was essential. By immersing myself in books, online courses and webinars, I gained the knowledge necessary to understand the mechanics of the market. I have developed a solid strategy, based on rigorous risk management and in-depth analyses. Today, I approach trading with a new, more rational and disciplined approach. The results are there, more stable and in line with my objectives. What I learned: Training is key: Never neglect learning. Patience is a virtue: Trading is a marathon. Discipline is key: Follow your plan and manage your emotions. Losses are part of the game: Learn from your mistakes. My advice to beginners: Start by training yourself solidly, develop a strategy adapted to your profile, and above all, be patient and perseverant. In summary, my journey in Forex trading has been a real learning experience. The challenges I encountered allowed me to grow and become a wiser trader. And you, where are you in your journey? #NewUserEvent
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