Ikhtisar:Founded in 2002 in South Africa, Taquanta Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd is an independent black-owned financial services group offering investment management and stockbroking services.
General Information
Founded in 2002 in South Africa, Taquanta Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd is an independent black-owned financial services group offering investment management and stockbroking services.
Business Line
Taquanta has two companies that conduct business in their respective areas, Taquanta Asset Managers (Pty) Ltd and Taquanta Securities. The Group has in excess of a 200bn of assets under management, spread across roughly 134 portfolios. Taquanta Asset Managers (Pty) Ltd is a licensed Category I, Category II and Category IIA financial services provider in terms of section 8 of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act 37, 2002 (licence number 618). It manages a range of multi-asset class funds including balanced and absolute return strategies. Custom benchmark or Index-tracking solutions are offered on a pooled or segregated basis with alpha transport options available. Taquanta Securities is a cross-market member firm of the Johannesburg Securities Exchange. It offer institutions, corporates and high-net-worth individuals access to the bond and interest rate derivative markets, the equity and equity derivative markets, as well as the currency derivative market through relevant, added-value solutions.
Contact Information
Users can contact Taquanta for inquiries through a variety of channels, including Linkedin, Twitter and online message. Also, they can contact the trader via the telephone: +27 21 681 5100. Physical Address: 7th Floor, Newlands Terraces, Boundary Road Newlands, Cape Town, 7700.
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