Ikhtisar:Nine Star is a dream treasured by its promoters & team members over two decades of its existence as financial intermediaries ìn capital and commodities markets. It advertises that it offers the most comprehensive and customized avenues for investments to its clients, including investors, traders, arbitrageurs and institutions. Nine Star also hypes that “Everything you need to make the right investment decision is right here”.
General Information
Nine Star is a dream treasured by its promoters & team members over two decades of its existence as financial intermediaries ìn capital and commodities markets. It advertises that it offers the most comprehensive and customized avenues for investments to its clients, including investors, traders, arbitrageurs and institutions. Nine Star also hypes that “Everything you need to make the right investment decision is right here”.
Product & Tools
Nine Star offers different kinds of products and tools, including KYC services like open an account, pre-printed KYC tool and e-modification, value added services like margin trading facility and WhatsApp chatbot, 9 star mobile apps and etc.
Market Instruments
Nine Star advertises that it offers various trading instruments, including equities, mutual funds, derivatives, currencies and commodities.
Account information cannot be seen directly on the website unless you are logged in.
Customer Support
Nine Stars customer support can be reached through telephone: +919672499999, +912917160000, +91 98286 53999, e-mail: info@9star.in. Besides, you can also follow this broker on some social media platforms like Facebook ((@Nine Star Group) and Twitter ((@Nine Star Group). Company address: 112, Parvati Shiv Kripa Tower, 1st A-B Road,Sardarpura Jodhpur - 342003,Rajasthan.
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