Ikhtisar:Registered in China, MorganFX is an unregulated brokerage company. Trading access to Forex, CFDs, Futures, Indices, and Crypto. While the broker's official website has been closed, so traders cannot obtain more security information.
Note: MorganFX's official website: https://morganfxcapital.com/ is normally inaccessible.
Registered in China, MorganFX is an unregulated brokerage company. Trading access to Forex, CFDs, Futures, Indices, and Crypto. While the broker's official website has been closed, so traders cannot obtain more security information.
MorganFX is not regulated, which will increase trading non-compliance and reduce traders investment security. Caution is advised when dealing with the company.
After a Whois query, we found that this company's domain name is for sale, showing that MorganFX has not registered it securely.
The website of MorganFX is inaccessible, raising concerns about its reliability and accessibility.
Since MorganFX does not explain more transaction information, especially regarding fees and services, this will bring huge risks and reduce transaction security.
MorganFX is not regulated, which is less safe than a regulated one.
MorganFX Since the official website cannot be opened, traders cannot get more information about security services. In addition, the unregulated status and unregistered domain name indicate that the broker's trading risks are high. It is advisable to choose regulated brokers with transparent operationsto ensure the safety of your investments and compliance with legal standards. Traders can learn more about other brokers through WikiFX. Information improves transaction security.
Penawaran baru "CryptoX" dapat menghilangkan biaya menginap pada posisi panjang, membuatnya lebih hemat biaya bagi pedagang untuk menahan posisi dari waktu ke waktu. Kabarnya, aplikasi ini terintegrasi dengan fitur copy trading milik grup broker NAGA untuk memungkinkan pengguna meniru strategi sukses dari para pedagang berpengalaman.
Broker forex trading online Infinox Capital Limited (Infinox) telah didenda £99.200 (setara Rp 2 Milyar) oleh FCA karena gagal menyerahkan 46.053 laporan transaksi yang berisiko penyalahgunaan pasar tidak terdeteksi. Untuk memantau, mendeteksi, dan menghentikan penyalahgunaan pasar secara efektif, FCA perlu menerima laporan transaksi yang lengkap, akurat, dan tepat waktu.
Pengadilan federal memerintahkan perusahaan internasional untuk membayar lebih dari $451 Juta atas penipuan opsi biner global. Nama broker yang terlibat, antara lain; BigOption & BinaryOnline. Tiga orang pelaku yang merupakan warga negara Israel; Yossi Herzog, Lee Elbaz dan Shalom Peretz.
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