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On the positive side, I appreciate the flexible leverage options that are available. However, I was disappointed with the high account deposit requirements, which I found to be quite limiting. Additionally, I found the MT5 trading platform to be unstable at times, which made trading difficult. Finally, the quality of trading signals was poor, and I did not find them to be reliable or effective. Overall, while there are some benefits to trading with Tredero, there are also some significant drawba
On the positive side, I appreciate the flexible leverage options that are available. However, I was disappointed with the high account deposit requirements, which I found to be quite limiting. Additionally, I found the MT5 trading platform to be unstable at times, which made trading difficult. Finally, the quality of trading signals was poor, and I did not find them to be reliable or effective. Overall, while there are some benefits to trading with Tredero, there are also some significant drawba
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2023-03-21 10:20
Sello Scholtz
Have no single quibble to the Tredero broker! I've been here for a couple of weeks, opted for Mini account and have already decided to choose Basic instead. I went for the most modest account just because I needed to understand how their app worked. When I sorted things out - I chose basic with 1:500 leverage, spreads in the range of 0.9-1.3 pips, 30% rebate bonus and dedicated relationship manager. I see this acc is the most balanced from the point of conditions/price ratio. On top of that, I am thankful to the customer support of the broker, cuz when I applied with my query using live chat, they have quickly explained me how to transfer funds in the application as I was quite... confused:D
Have no single quibble to the Tredero broker! I've been here for a couple of weeks, opted for Mini account and have already decided to choose Basic instead. I went for the most modest account just because I needed to understand how their app worked. When I sorted things out - I chose basic with 1:500 leverage, spreads in the range of 0.9-1.3 pips, 30% rebate bonus and dedicated relationship manager. I see this acc is the most balanced from the point of conditions/price ratio. On top of that, I am thankful to the customer support of the broker, cuz when I applied with my query using live chat, they have quickly explained me how to transfer funds in the application as I was quite... confused:D
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2024-03-26 15:18
Seah Ke Keng
I have been a customer of the broker for several months already. And so far I would say it is normal. I can not say extra ordinary stuff about them, but it is a solid choice for traders. Funds transfer is fine, I use card methods. I wish the Customer Support was more responsive as sometimes I had to wait a bit. Several account types are given, but some accounts have low levereage. Regarding the range of assets, it is good. So, in general it is solid place, but it depends on you guys.
I have been a customer of the broker for several months already. And so far I would say it is normal. I can not say extra ordinary stuff about them, but it is a solid choice for traders. Funds transfer is fine, I use card methods. I wish the Customer Support was more responsive as sometimes I had to wait a bit. Several account types are given, but some accounts have low levereage. Regarding the range of assets, it is good. So, in general it is solid place, but it depends on you guys.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2024-03-13 00:47
Lebih dari satu tahun
It's such a hassle trying to locate a download link for MT4 on Tredero's platform. They need to make it way easier to find.
It's such a hassle trying to locate a download link for MT4 on Tredero's platform. They need to make it way easier to find.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2024-02-23 14:14
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