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Johnan Shinkin's trading platform offers a new perspective on life. Unlike my previous monotonous office job, the platform allowed me to pursue my passions through investments. The freedom to work and live on my terms has certainly added a positive dimension to my life. However, it's crucial to note that the world of forex trading comes with risks, and success isn't guaranteed. While the platform provides opportunities, users should approach it with a realistic understanding of the market's unpredictability.
Johnan Shinkin's trading platform offers a new perspective on life. Unlike my previous monotonous office job, the platform allowed me to pursue my passions through investments. The freedom to work and live on my terms has certainly added a positive dimension to my life. However, it's crucial to note that the world of forex trading comes with risks, and success isn't guaranteed. While the platform provides opportunities, users should approach it with a realistic understanding of the market's unpredictability.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2023-12-27 18:13
Win the next
Lebih dari satu tahun
Been using Johnan Shinkin for a while now, and here's the real deal: The charts aren't exactly real-time; they're close, but you can notice the lag, especially with 1-minute charts. Profit and loss calculations aren't instantaneous either. Updates can be frustratingly slow, creating differences between the closing and position screens. When I ask for feature upgrades, I'm hoping for more than just a "we'll look into it" response. I want a clear answer on whether it's doable. Unfortunately, it usually ends with a vague promise to investigate, and then, silence without updates.
Been using Johnan Shinkin for a while now, and here's the real deal: The charts aren't exactly real-time; they're close, but you can notice the lag, especially with 1-minute charts. Profit and loss calculations aren't instantaneous either. Updates can be frustratingly slow, creating differences between the closing and position screens. When I ask for feature upgrades, I'm hoping for more than just a "we'll look into it" response. I want a clear answer on whether it's doable. Unfortunately, it usually ends with a vague promise to investigate, and then, silence without updates.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2024-01-19 11:51
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Johnan Shinkin
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1.Komentar saya adalah pendapat saya sendiri berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi saya dengan perusahaan yang ditinjau

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3.Saya tidak memiliki hubungan bisnis atau pribadi dengan perusahaan yang sedang ditinjau atau pesaingnya, kecuali sebagai pelanggan

4.Komentar saya didasarkan pada fakta objektif dari pengalaman pribadi dan konten komentar mematuhi hukum dan peraturan setempat

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