
1.48 /10


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Indeks Regulasi0.00


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Indeks perangkat lunak4.00


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Tidak ada informasi peraturan yang valid, harap perhatikan risikonya

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Peringatan: Skor WikiFX Terlalu Rendah,Silakan Menghindar! 2
Deteksi sebelumnya : 2024-11-10
  • Telah diverifikasi bahwa broker saat ini tidak memiliki peraturan yang valid, harap perhatikan risikonya!
  • Informasi terkini menunjukkan bahwa broker ini tidak memiliki software trading. Mohon berhati-hati!

Penilaian WikiFX

Keluhan skema piramida
paparan langsung
TradeATF · Profil perusahaan

Informasi Umum

TradeATFadalah broker yang bergerak dalam menawarkan berbagai produk dan layanan keuangan kepada kliennya. TradeATF disahkan oleh belize international financial services commission (ifsc) dan beroperasi di bawah bayline global world ltd.

Instrumen Pasar

TradeATFmemberi investor berbagai instrumen keuangan seperti cryptocurrency, forex, saham, indeks, logam, dan komoditas.

Akun & Leverage

TradeATFmenawarkan tiga jenis akun ritel: perak, emas, dan platinum. leverage maksimum hingga 1:30 untuk akun ritel tersebut dan 1:500 untuk akun profesional.

Spread & Komisi

Spread mulai dari 0,07 pips pada akun Silver, 0,05 pips pada Gold, dan 0,03 pips pada Platinum. Tidak ada komisi yang dibebankan.

Platform Perdagangan

TradeATFmenawarkan metatrader4 (mt4), webtrader, dan aplikasi perdagangan seluler.

Setoran & Penarikan

klien dari TradeATF dapat mengelola uang dalam beberapa cara. misalnya, Anda dapat mendanai deposit Anda melalui berbagai metode transfer kawat, kartu kredit/debit (visa, vpay, mastercard, dan lainnya), dan jaringan pembayaran canggih seperti neteller, skrill, ssl, dan lainnya.

Dukungan Pelanggan

jika klien memiliki pertanyaan atau masalah, silakan hubungi +54 1152194139 atau email support@global. TradeATF .com untuk konsultasi.

Ulasan Pengguna


Komentar pengguna



Kirim Komentar

Lebih dari satu tahun
But the worst part of all is their customer service. You have to wait a million years just to get an answer to a simple question. Seriously, stay far away from TradeATF if you know what's good for you.
But the worst part of all is their customer service. You have to wait a million years just to get an answer to a simple question. Seriously, stay far away from TradeATF if you know what's good for you.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2023-04-04 09:33
Smith Austin777
Lebih dari satu tahun
I fell for their flashy promises of bonuses and low spreads, so I went ahead and signed up and deposited some money. But then I found out it was all a big fat lie! The spreads were insanely high for products like gold and oil, making it impossible to make any profits. And don't even get me started on the trading platform - it was a total mess! I couldn't even see my past orders on the charts. I'm pretty sure they're pulling some shady stuff here.
I fell for their flashy promises of bonuses and low spreads, so I went ahead and signed up and deposited some money. But then I found out it was all a big fat lie! The spreads were insanely high for products like gold and oil, making it impossible to make any profits. And don't even get me started on the trading platform - it was a total mess! I couldn't even see my past orders on the charts. I'm pretty sure they're pulling some shady stuff here.
Terjemahkan ke Indonesia
2023-04-03 18:30