Ikhtisar:Crypto-Optiontrade was established in 2019, allegedly headquartered in the United Kingdom, providing forex pair as well as a series of CFD products for its client around the world.
General Information
Crypto-Optiontrade was established in 2019, allegedly headquartered in the United Kingdom, providing forex pair as well as a series of CFD products for its client around the world.
Official Website Unavailable
Since Crypto-Optiontrades official website cannot be accessible, we could only pick up some useful information on some broker review websites to get a rough idea of this broker.
Market Instruments
Crypto-Optiontrade claims that it offered diversified trading products like forex pairs, as well as a series of CFDs on stock, indices, and commodities.
With Crypto-Optiontrade, the account currencies are only available in EURO and USD.
Trading Platform Available
When it comes to trading platform, Crypto-Optiontrade offers a webtrader instead of the famous MT4 or MT5 trading platform.
Sebelum memutuskan bergabung penting bagi Anda mengetahui tugas dan tanggung jawab broker forex. Dunia investasi saham bisa dijadikan sebagai penghasilan tambahan yang sering dikatakan sebagai passive income.
Squared Financial menambahkan GameStop dan lainnya dengan akses tidak terbatas. Pialang telah menambahkan semua saham populer, yang mengalami lonjakan permintaan besar-besaran.
Organisasi Polisi Kriminal Internasional yang biasa dikenal sebagai INTERPOL mengeluarkan peringatan keras bahwa semakin sering penipu keuangan memburu korban baru di antara pengguna aplikasi kencan yang tidak sadar.
Presiden Bank Sentral Eropa (ECB), Christine Lagarde telah menyatakan beberapa kekhawatiran tentang sifat anonim Bitcoin dan masa lalu cryptocurrency yang bermasalah - dalam kata-katanya, ini telah digunakan untuk beberapa "bisnis lucu".
IC Markets Global
EC Markets
AVA Trade
IC Markets Global
EC Markets
AVA Trade
IC Markets Global
EC Markets
AVA Trade
IC Markets Global
EC Markets
AVA Trade