Ikhtisar:Maskan Bank Brokerage Co. is the subsidiary of Bank Maskan Financial Group (known as: BFM Group) . BFM Group is a private company based in Tehran Iran and was established in 1975.
General Information
Maskan Bank Brokerage Co. is the subsidiary of Bank Maskan Financial Group (known as: BFM Group) . BFM Group is a private company based in Tehran Iran and was established in 1975.
Official Website Unavailable
Probably due to a firewall, we were unable to open the website of Maskan Bank Brokerage. However, we did find a small amount of information about Maskan Bank Brokerage on the official website of BFM Group.
Business Line
The business line of Maskan Bank Brokerage covers trading in Tehran Stock Exchange, Iran Farabourse (OTC) Market, Real Estate, Futures Trading, Online Trading of stock, Energy Exchange, Agricultural products, Cement, Standard parallel SALAM for metals, portfolio management, and management of investment funds. To keep pace with the market developments, Maskan Bank Brokerage has sought to design different financial instruments by focusing on the housing sector. Launching Mortgage_back securities to use mortgage loan and market making of the first real estate fund are among actions taken by this company. In addition, the company has also undertaken the management of one of the biggest fixed income funds in the country. The value of asset under management is within 1.5 billion dollar.
Contact Information
Maskan Bank Brokerage can be reached through telephone: +98-21-75439000, as well as email:info@maskanbourse.com. Address: No. 86, Kajabadi St, Nelson Mandela St, Tehran-Iran.
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