Ikhtisar:MFX Solutions is a socially-oriented company that supports impact investing with affordable hedging products and risk management education. Using hedging, currency risk can be taken out of the impact investment value chain, thus creating a more stable, secure impact investment business model. MFX allows investors to hedge in almost any currency (especially frontier currencies) with very low collateral requirements.
General Information
MFX Solutions is a socially-oriented company that supports impact investing with affordable hedging products and risk management education. Using hedging, currency risk can be taken out of the impact investment value chain, thus creating a more stable, secure impact investment business model. MFX allows investors to hedge in almost any currency (especially frontier currencies) with very low collateral requirements.
Market Instruments
MFX Solutions offers hedging instruments, such as a hedging calculator and a liability planning tool, as well as cross currency swaps and currency forward contracts to manage currency risk for micro-finance lenders.
Account Types
There is nothing about account types on the website at the time of writing this review.
Since MFX Solutions doesn‘t offer free demo accounts, we couldn’t find out the specific information about leverage. However, bear in mind that leverage can magnify gains as well as losses, inexperienced traders are not advised to use too high leverage.
Spreads & Commissions
Since MFX Solutions doesn‘t offer free demo accounts, we couldn’t find out the specific information about spreads and commissions.
Trading Platform Available
There is nothing about available trading platform on the website at the time of writing this review.
Deposit & Withdrawal
There is nothing about deposit and withdrawal on the website at the time of writing this review.
Customer Support
MFX Solutions customer support can be reached through telephone: 202809-9635, email:mfxinfo@mfxsolutions.com, website: www.mfxsolutions.com. Besides, you can also follow this broker on some social media platforms like Linkedin (MFX Solutions). Company address : 1440 G St NW Washington DC 20005.
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