Ikhtisar:Incorporated in 1995, A.G. Shares & Securities Ltd. (AGSSL) is an India-based stock broking company, providing a wide range of financial services which include online trading in NSE, BSE & MCX, and depository services in NSDL. It is classified as a public limited company and is located in Uttar Pradesh. Its authorized share capital is INR 2.00 cr and the total paid-up capital is INR 1.01 cr.
General Information
Incorporated in 1995, A.G. Shares & Securities Ltd. (AGSSL) is an India-based stock broking company, providing a wide range of financial services which include online trading in NSE, BSE & MCX, and depository services in NSDL. It is classified as a public limited company and is located in Uttar Pradesh. Its authorized share capital is INR 2.00 cr and the total paid-up capital is INR 1.01 cr.
Products & Services
AGSSL offers an extensive range of investment options in the stock markets including Currency Trading, Equity, Derivatives Trading, Commodities and IPO. Traders can choose from these products based on their trading appetizes and trading style.
How to open an account?
Opening an account with AGSSL is easy and fast, and you just need to fill out some of your basic information, including your name, address, contact number and your email. After entering these essential information, you need to send this application form to them for approval.
Payment Methods
On the “Pay In” detail section, we can find that AGSSL works with Bank Transfer, Threw Check and some online banking system for traders to make a deposit and withdraw their funds.
Contact Info
AGSSL can be reached through several channels, including telephone at 0562-3243901, 8755501234, Fax: 0562-2851230, email: grievance@agssi.in, agssl@agsssl.in, as well as online chat. The physical address of the company: Reg. Office:- 20/4 Ist Floor, Maruti Tower Sanjay Place,
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Squared Financial menambahkan GameStop dan lainnya dengan akses tidak terbatas. Pialang telah menambahkan semua saham populer, yang mengalami lonjakan permintaan besar-besaran.
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Presiden Bank Sentral Eropa (ECB), Christine Lagarde telah menyatakan beberapa kekhawatiran tentang sifat anonim Bitcoin dan masa lalu cryptocurrency yang bermasalah - dalam kata-katanya, ini telah digunakan untuk beberapa "bisnis lucu".
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AVA Trade