Ikhtisar:ViewTrade, a trading name of ViewTrade Securities, Inc, is allegedly a broker based in the USA that provides its clients with online stock and options trading on WebTrader, Real tick and mobile trading platforms, as well as a choice of three different account types.
General Information & Regulation
ViewTrade, a trading name of ViewTrade Securities, Inc, is allegedly a broker based in the USA that provides its clients with online stock and options trading on WebTrader, Real tick and mobile trading platforms, as well as a choice of three different account types.
Market Instruments
ViewTrade advertises that it offers online stock and options trading in financial markets.
Account Types
There are three live trading accounts offered by ViewTrade, namely Pattern day trader, Cash account and Margin account. The initial funding requirement is $30,000, $2,000 and $2,000 respectively, and the maintenance is $25,000, $2,000 and $2,000 separately.
Trading Platform Available
When it comes to trading platforms available, ViewTrade gives traders three choices: WebTrader, Real tick and mobile platforms. The WebTrader is available on any desktop or mobile device, offering customized edit checks to prevent over-buying, over-selling, restricted stock or unauthorized activity. RealTick is suitable for active traders, registered investment advisors (RIAs), hedge funds, financial developers and users who require access to the widest array of market data, analytics, news features and functionality. While with mobile platforms, trading can be done from anywhere and at any time through the right mobile terminals.
Customer Support
ViewTrades customer support can be reached by telephone: +561-620-0306, 561-620-0302 F, email: support@viewtrade.com or send messages online to get in touch. Company address: 7280 West Palmetto Park Road Suite 310 Boca Raton, FL 33433 USA.
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