Ikhtisar:PMSA CAPITALS LLC (short for “PMSA FX”) appears to be an offshore forex brokerage with an agency in China. This brokerage was established quite young, with its operating time less than one year. Since PMSA FX’s official website cannot be accessible now, we could only get minimal information. Concerning regulatory information, it has been verified that this broker has no valid regulation and it has got a pretty low score of 1.04/10 on the WikiFX website based on five indexes, namely Regulatory Index, License Index, Risk Management Index, Software Index, and Business Index. Please be aware of the risk, for trading with an unregulated forex broker is always a risky process.
Since PMSA FXs official website (https://pmsafx.com/) cannot be opened at the moment, we could only piece together this brokerage house by gathering some relevant information from other websites.
General Information
PMSA CAPITALS LLC (short for “PMSA FX”) appears to be an offshore forex brokerage with an agency in China. This brokerage was established quite young, with its operating time less than one year. Since PMSA FXs official website cannot be accessible now, we could only get minimal information.
Concerning regulatory information, it has been verified that this broker has no valid regulation and it has got a pretty low score of 1.04/10 on the WikiFX website based on five indexes, namely Regulatory Index, License Index, Risk Management Index, Software Index, and Business Index. Please be aware of the risk, for trading with an unregulated forex broker is always a risky process.
Account Types
Account-related information cannot be found anywhere.
The trading leverage is not mentioned. Since leverage can magnify gains as well as losses, inexperienced traders are not advised to use a too-high lever.
Customer Support
PMSA FX offers poor customer support, and it can be only contacted through an email: support@pmsamarket.com. This is another red flag. Customer support matters much because once something goes wrong with your trading process, with a quick response your broker can get things back on the right track again.
Risk Warning
Forex and Leveraged trading carry a certain level of risk, and it is not suitable for everyone. Please note that the information contained in this article is for general information purposes only.
Sebelum memutuskan bergabung penting bagi Anda mengetahui tugas dan tanggung jawab broker forex. Dunia investasi saham bisa dijadikan sebagai penghasilan tambahan yang sering dikatakan sebagai passive income.
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