Ikhtisar:MASHREQ SECURITIES is a financial institution based in Dubai, UAE, with international offices in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the US. MASHREQ SECURITIES offers a series of banking services, including deposits, Cards, Loans, Insurance, Money Transfer, Emirati Banking, Quick Remit, Swift Transfer, and more.
General Information
MASHREQ SECURITIES is a financial institution based in Dubai, UAE, with international offices in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the US. MASHREQ SECURITIES offers a series of banking services, including deposits, Cards, Loans, Insurance, Money Transfer, Emirati Banking, Quick Remit, Swift Transfer, and more.
How to get started trading with Mashreq Security?
To start trading with Mashreq Security, you need to set up an investor number with the DFM market or ADX market first, then you need to open a cash account with this brokerage firm (optional), and the last step is to open a trading account.
Documents required for opening an individual trading account, including the following:
Mashreq Security Trading account opening application
Passport Copy
Any original ID (Passport copy, driving license, or labor card)
Khulasat-al-Quaid (for UAE National only)
Mashreq Security number-current, savings, or corporate account (optional)
Investor number-DFM or ADX
Fees & Commissions
The whole fee and commission part is divided into two segments: fees for DFM & ADX Securities and Nasdaq Dubai Securities.
Fees and commissions for DFM & ADX Securities are listed as:
Total trading commission payable by the buyer and the seller on the total value of the order executed: 0.00275 Minimum AED 65
Brokers Commission: 0.0015 Minimum AED 30
Market Fee: 0.0005 Minimum AED 20
Clearing and Depository Settlement (CDS) fee: 0.0005 Minimum AED 10
Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority (ESCA) fee
Fees and commissions for Nasdaq Dubai Securities are listed below:
Transfer/Deposit Funds
Clients who dont want to open an account with this brokerage may transfer funds to the Mashreq Securities account with Mashreq bank or deposit them directly at the teller counter. Once funds are transferred or deposited, you need to fax a copy of the transfer or deposit slip including the following information to +9714 424 7322 or by email to info@marhreqsecurities.com.
When depositing funds/cheques at the counter, clients can choose one of its offices or branches in the UAE, fill out a cash/cheque deposit slip and deposit the funds or cheque at the counter.
Deposits via cheque may take a minimum of 3 weeks for foreign currency to arrive, and for UAE currency, it only takes1-2 working days.
Funds deposited at the counter will reflect at the same time of deposit.
Fund transfers via Telex or Swift usually reflect within 2 to 4 days.
Contact Information
For inquiries, traders can get in touch with Mashreq Security through the following channels:
Telephone: 971 4 424 4444
Email: investorrelations@mashreq.com
Or follow this brokerage on some social media platforms, including Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube.
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