Sommario:Founded in 1995, RMG Holding Limited is a licensed Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF) regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) with the Market Making(MM) License (No. 027/04). It should be noted that the mentioned license is now under examination for voluntary renunciation of the authorization.
General Information & Regulation
Founded in 1995, RMG Holding Limited is a licensed Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF) regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) with the Market Making(MM) License (No. 027/04). It should be noted that the mentioned license is now under examination for voluntary renunciation of the authorization.
Official Website Unavailable
As of now, the website of RMG Holding is not available. We can only get some basic information of the broker from the CySEC.
Investment Services
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Portfolio management
Ancillary Services
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments, including custodianship and related services
Granting credits or loans to one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Contact Information
RMG Holding might be reached through telephone: +357 22 447 024, as well as email: Office address: 25, Michalakopoulou, Office 202, CY-1075 Nicosia, Cyprus.
La bolletta denominata Stablecoin Tethering and Bank Licensing Enforcement Act., proposto da Rashida Tlaib, un democratico del Michigan, insieme ai membri del Congresso, Jesus García e Stephen Lynch, mira a proteggere i consumatori dalle minacce emergenti associate al mercato delle criptovalute e richiederà a chiunque che offre stablecoin l'approvazione della Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) e di altre agenzie governative competenti.
Le autorità cinesi hanno confiscato criptovalute per un valore di oltre 4,2 miliardi di dollari in relazione alla famigerata truffa Plus Token, rivelano i file del tribunale locale.
Matthew Piercey, l'uomo dietro due società di investimento - Zolla e Family Wealth Legacy, è stato arrestato dagli agenti dell'FBI a Sacramento con l'accusa di frode telematica, manomissione di testimoni, frode postale e riciclaggio di denaro, che si è appropriata indebitamente di circa 35 milioni di dollari di fondi degli investitori, come affermato dalla corte degli Stati Uniti.
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