Sommario:Garanti Yatirim Menkul Kiymetler AS ( short for “Garanti FX”) is a financial company registered in Turkey, offers its clients a diversified range of services, including Brokerage Services, Corporate Finance, and Institutional Sales.
General Information
Garanti Yatirim Menkul Kiymetler AS ( short for “Garanti FX”) is a financial company registered in Turkey, offers its clients a diversified range of services, including Brokerage Services, Corporate Finance, and Institutional Sales.
Products & Services
Garanti FXs business line can be divided into our segments: Brokerage services, Corporate Finance, Research, Institutional Sales.
And clients are given the opportunity to access to a wide range of tarding products, including Foreign Exchange, Equities, International Equities (Stock), International Futures, Warrants.
Fees and Commissions
Fees and commissions charged for each trading product are listed on this brokerages website:
Domestic Stock Trading Volume Commissions
The maximum and lowest commission rates established by the associated Trading Volume Commission Model are applicable to all trading channels.
You can profit from commission rates based on the trading volume over the previous three months. Via Garanti BBVA Internet Branch or Garanti BBVA Investor Support Center, you can switch to a volume-based commission structure.
According to the terms of the agreement, the company may apply the maximum commission rate of 0.302% to each transaction. The commission rate applied in the Fixed Commission Model is 0.1880%.
Futures (VIOP)
According to the terms of the agreement, the company may apply the maximum commission rate of 0.105% to each transaction. In the Fixed Commission Model, the commission rate is 0.084 %.
International Stock Trading Commissions
International Markets Futures Contracts Standard Commissions
The above-mentioned commissions are typical commissions, which may change based on trading volume. Please contact your investment advisor or dial 444 0 630 for commission-related special requests.
There will be an exchange fee in your futures trades. Exchange fees may vary depending on the contract and the exchange.
Carrying cost: The carrying cost of open position which will be deducted from investor's account
Carrying Cost = Margin requirement * Holding time * (Relevant Interbank rate + Markup) / (365 or 360 days)
Customer Support
For any inquiries, you can get access to this companys customer support by calling 4440630, or you can follow this company on some popular social media platforms including Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.
La bolletta denominata Stablecoin Tethering and Bank Licensing Enforcement Act., proposto da Rashida Tlaib, un democratico del Michigan, insieme ai membri del Congresso, Jesus García e Stephen Lynch, mira a proteggere i consumatori dalle minacce emergenti associate al mercato delle criptovalute e richiederà a chiunque che offre stablecoin l'approvazione della Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) e di altre agenzie governative competenti.
Le autorità cinesi hanno confiscato criptovalute per un valore di oltre 4,2 miliardi di dollari in relazione alla famigerata truffa Plus Token, rivelano i file del tribunale locale.
Matthew Piercey, l'uomo dietro due società di investimento - Zolla e Family Wealth Legacy, è stato arrestato dagli agenti dell'FBI a Sacramento con l'accusa di frode telematica, manomissione di testimoni, frode postale e riciclaggio di denaro, che si è appropriata indebitamente di circa 35 milioni di dollari di fondi degli investitori, come affermato dalla corte degli Stati Uniti.
Salgono a 323 i domini dei servizi finanziari bloccati da Consob.
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CXM Trading
Doo Prime
DBG Markets
CXM Trading
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CXM Trading
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