Sommario:Alpha Finance S.A is a 100% subsidiary of Alpha Holdings Single Member S.A., which is subject to the provisions of Law 4261/2014 and EU Regulation 575/2013 on a consolidated basis and follows the best practices applied by Alpha Bank in matters of Corporate Governance and Remuneration Policy.
General Information
Alpha Finance S.A is a 100% subsidiary of Alpha Holdings Single Member S.A., which is subject to the provisions of Law 4261/2014 and EU Regulation 575/2013 on a consolidated basis and follows the best practices applied by Alpha Bank in matters of Corporate Governance and Remuneration Policy.
Services Offered
Alpha Finance provides clients with the following services:
Athens Stock Exchange: carry out transactions on the Athens and the Cyprus Stocks Exchange either via ALPHATRADE or through the nearest branches of Alpha Bank.
International Markets: execute trading transactions to a wide range of investment products.
Margin Financing: use the liquidity made available by Alpha Finance to buy shares listed on the Athens Exchange on credit.
Market Making: Alpha Finance acts as a market maker in the stock and derivatives market of the Athens Exchange.
Research: financial research to satisfy the requirements of retail and institutional clients.
Settlement and Custody: full range of stocks and share products available.
Commission & Fees
Commissions, fees, taxes and other costs related to products and services offered by Alpha Finance, are consistent with Alpha Finances pricing policy and taxation regulation.
Brokerage commissions are calculated on an escalated basis, for transaction value up to Euros 45.000. For transaction value greater than Euros 45.000, brokerage commissions (flat 0.4% of transaction value) are calculated on the total value of the transaction without taking into account the value escalation. Intraday trading (buy, sell) on the same size of the same security is charged with 0.15% brokerage commission for each trade. The minimum brokerage commission for each trade is Euros 15 intraday trades conducted through Alpha Bank branches/ALPHA PHONE TRADING or Euros 8 for intraday trades conducted through the electronic services. Be note that if a customer decides to purchase 500 shares of a stock and sell only 300 of them during same trading session, only the 300 shares he bought will have intraday commission.
Trading Tools
Alpha Finance developed a trading tool called ALPHATRADE to help clients gain access to stock markets. Apart from the ALPHATRADE, there are also some useful tools offered for you to acquaint yourselves with the trading environment, including account Management, Products & Securities Search, Webinar, as well as Webinar instructions.
Customer Support
There is a “FAQ” section displayed on the Alpha Finance website providing basic answers and their customer support staff can be reached through phone: 2103705700 and email.
La bolletta denominata Stablecoin Tethering and Bank Licensing Enforcement Act., proposto da Rashida Tlaib, un democratico del Michigan, insieme ai membri del Congresso, Jesus García e Stephen Lynch, mira a proteggere i consumatori dalle minacce emergenti associate al mercato delle criptovalute e richiederà a chiunque che offre stablecoin l'approvazione della Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) e di altre agenzie governative competenti.
Le autorità cinesi hanno confiscato criptovalute per un valore di oltre 4,2 miliardi di dollari in relazione alla famigerata truffa Plus Token, rivelano i file del tribunale locale.
Matthew Piercey, l'uomo dietro due società di investimento - Zolla e Family Wealth Legacy, è stato arrestato dagli agenti dell'FBI a Sacramento con l'accusa di frode telematica, manomissione di testimoni, frode postale e riciclaggio di denaro, che si è appropriata indebitamente di circa 35 milioni di dollari di fondi degli investitori, come affermato dalla corte degli Stati Uniti.
Salgono a 323 i domini dei servizi finanziari bloccati da Consob.
EC Markets
EC Markets
EC Markets
EC Markets