Sommario:Established in 2012, Hard Assets Alliance is a precious metals company headquartered in New York City, US. Hard Assets Alliance focus on the U.S but it is not required to be a U.S citizen or company to open an account. Transactions can be made online through Hard Asset Alliances SmartMetals Accounts 24/7 from anywhere in the world and include the storage of purchased metals in New York, Salt Lake City, London, Singapore, Sydney or Zurich. Hard Assets Alliance is cooperating with Gold Bullion Interantional (GBI), LLC, a New York based limited liability company, which started its physical precious metals service in 2010. It provides private clients and financial advisors with a means to buy, store and sell precious metals such as gold. Investors directly own their gold and other precious metals.
General Information
Established in 2012, Hard Assets Alliance is a precious metals company headquartered in New York City, US. Hard Assets Alliance focus on the U.S but it is not required to be a U.S citizen or company to open an account. Transactions can be made online through Hard Asset Alliances SmartMetals Accounts 24/7 from anywhere in the world and include the storage of purchased metals in New York, Salt Lake City, London, Singapore, Sydney or Zurich. Hard Assets Alliance is cooperating with Gold Bullion Interantional (GBI), LLC, a New York based limited liability company, which started its physical precious metals service in 2010. It provides private clients and financial advisors with a means to buy, store and sell precious metals such as gold. Investors directly own their gold and other precious metals.
Products Offerings
Hard Assets Alliancehas four classes of precious metals available: Palladium, Silver, Platinum and Gold. You can find most diverse offerings in the Gold and Silver areas. With this, investors can buy, sell and store their own precious metals.
Account Types
Hard Assets Alliance offers several types of account that you can open. They include the following:
Retirement Accounts
Individual and Joint Personal Accounts
Corporate Accounts
Trust Accounts
UTMA Accounts
Estimated mark-up for buying for the most cost-effective bars:
1oz: 2.85%
10oz: 3.78%
1 kg: 1.66%
400oz: 1.32%
Costs for selling are not provided.
Costs for storage and insurance:
0.70% per year
Minimum fee of US$5 per month
METALSTREAM ™ is a trading tools offered by Hard Assets Alliance for you to save in gold and silver time over time and get all the benefit of price averaging, without sacrificing the advantages of owning whole coins and bars. With METALSTREAM ™ , you can invest any amount as low as $25 per month.
Contact Information
The Hard Assets Alliance customer support team can be reached through the following:
Toll-Free: 877-727-7387
Internationally: 646-530-8445
La bolletta denominata Stablecoin Tethering and Bank Licensing Enforcement Act., proposto da Rashida Tlaib, un democratico del Michigan, insieme ai membri del Congresso, Jesus García e Stephen Lynch, mira a proteggere i consumatori dalle minacce emergenti associate al mercato delle criptovalute e richiederà a chiunque che offre stablecoin l'approvazione della Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) e di altre agenzie governative competenti.
Le autorità cinesi hanno confiscato criptovalute per un valore di oltre 4,2 miliardi di dollari in relazione alla famigerata truffa Plus Token, rivelano i file del tribunale locale.
Matthew Piercey, l'uomo dietro due società di investimento - Zolla e Family Wealth Legacy, è stato arrestato dagli agenti dell'FBI a Sacramento con l'accusa di frode telematica, manomissione di testimoni, frode postale e riciclaggio di denaro, che si è appropriata indebitamente di circa 35 milioni di dollari di fondi degli investitori, come affermato dalla corte degli Stati Uniti.
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