概要:declaring itself as a specialist in financial services, Ebury has always been committed to offering flexible financial services solutions to its clients, reducing and managing risks. now it already has offices in numerous countries worldwide.
general information and regulation of Ebury
declaring itself as a specialist in financial services, Ebury has always been committed to offering flexible financial services solutions to its clients, reducing and managing risks. now it has offices in numerous countries worldwide.
It is not a Forex broker, but it can serve as a useful tool in your trading.
services that Ebury offers
In addition to financial solutions and strategies, it also offers these services: foreign exchange accounts and foreign exchange transactions.
with the platform of Ebury , clients can easily budget and assess cost levels, significantly reduce the risk associated with currency movements and enjoy instantly preferential exchange rates, reducing financial charges and costs.
another key selling point of Ebury is the multi-currency account, which allows customers to open an account with a separate account number and business identification number, connect with banks around the world through the swift network, and receive or pay in multiple currencies without the need to go through through a complicated exchange process, ensuring accurate, secure and prompt receipt of payments.
spreads and commissions that Ebury cobra
Eburyuses very low commissions to attract business interest, charging 0.15-1.5% per month, which is better than the 1.8-18% APR of other typical payment platforms. Ebury It has no guaranteed lines of credit or hidden fees and only charges interest on the amount withdrawn.
education in Ebury
in terms of educational resources, customers have easy access to the blog and podcast of Ebury .
customer service of Ebury
Thanks to its multiple offices around the world, clients can resort to the office closest to or even in their own homeland. An email is not offered, but you can fill out the form to send a message online.
Here are more details about customer service
Languages: English, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, French, Bulgarian, among others.
Address: C/ General Alvarez de Castro, 26 28010 Madrid
Avda. Diagonal 453, 2nd Floor 08036 Barcelona
Telephone: Madrid (+34) 918 293 722 I Barcelona (+34) 933 93 81 11
complaints against Ebury that we have received in wikifx
We have not received any complaint for the moment, but this does not mean that Ebury No Risk: Based on field survey conducted by our UK workers, Ebury has no office at the declared address. so be aware of possible risks.
活況を呈する金融テクノロジー、絶え間なく進化する規制環境、そして安全なトレーディング・ディフェンスのグローバル構築が求められる現在、「多様性を発掘、安全に取引」というテーマを掲げた11月27日のWikiEXPOドバイ展示会は、業界が直面する核心的な課題を的確に捉えています。 WikiGlobalは、挑戦と機会が共存するこの状況において、金融テクノロジーの急速な進化に対応しつつ、金融セキュリティの向上と革新を推進してきました。