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이전 탐지 : 2025-03-09
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NEWFX · 회사 개요

일반 정보

NEWFX 도미닉에 기반을 둔 글로벌 stp/ecn 외환 브로커로 고객에게 산업 표준 meattrader4 거래 플랫폼을 제공하고 최대 1:100의 레버리지, 고정 또는 변동 스프레드, 250개 이상의 거래 가능한 금융 상품에 대한 수수료 없음 및 7가지 실계좌 유형 선택.

시장 상품

NEWFX 외환, 지수, 원자재, 주식 및 암호 화폐에 대한 CFD를 포함하여 금융 시장의 5개 자산 클래스에 걸쳐 250개 이상의 거래 상품을 제공한다고 광고합니다.

계정 유형

NEWFX는 Basic, Discovery, Silver, Gold, Premium, VIP, VIP+ 등 7개의 실시간 거래 계정을 제공합니다. 기본 계좌를 개설하려면 최소 초기 입금액이 $200이고, 다른 6개 계좌 유형은 각각 $2,000, $5,000, $10,000, $15,000, $30,000 및 $50,000의 훨씬 더 높은 최소 초기 자본 요구 사항이 있습니다.


에서 제공하는 최대 레버리지 비율 NEWFX 최대 1:100입니다. 레버리지는 이익과 손실을 확대할 수 있으므로 경험이 없는 트레이더는 너무 높은 레버리지를 사용하지 않는 것이 좋습니다.

스프레드 및 커미션

다른 거래자는 상당히 다른 스프레드를 즐길 수 있습니다. 또한 스프레드는 트레이더가 보유하고 있는 자산 클래스의 영향을 받습니다. NEWFX 외환의 기본 스프레드는 1:50, 상품 또는 지수의 경우 4%, 주식의 경우 10%, 암호화폐의 경우 100%입니다. 하지만 초보자나 전문가가 경험할 수 있는 스프레드는 다릅니다. 특히 외환, 상품, 지수, 주식, 암호화폐의 스프레드는 초보자는 각각 1:100, 2%, 2%, 5%, 50%, 행렬은 1:200, 1%, 1%, 2.5%와 20%가 별도로 있습니다. 모두 수수료를 부과하지 않습니다.

사용 가능한 거래 플랫폼

사용 가능한 거래 플랫폼에 관해서는 NEWFX 거래자에게 웹 거래자, 모바일 거래자 및 메타트레이더4를 제공합니다. mt4는 세계에서 가장 유명하고 널리 사용되는 거래 플랫폼으로 9가지 시간대, 기술 지표, 원클릭 거래, 자동화된 EAS 등을 제공합니다. 모바일 트레이더를 사용하면 Android 및 iOS를 포함한 올바른 모바일 단말기를 통해 언제 어디서나 거래가 가능합니다.


입금 및 출금

NEWFX 비자 및 마스터 카드와 같은 신용 카드, 은행 송금 및 비트코인의 암호 화폐를 통한 입금을 허용합니다. 신용 카드의 최소 예치금 요구 사항은 € 200이며, 신용 카드의 최대 예치 금액은 매월 € 50,000입니다. 예금 또는 거래당 최대 금액은 $/€ 5,000입니다. 브로커는 신용 카드를 통해 인출 수수료를 부과하지 않지만 모든 은행 송금 요청에 약간의 수수료가 적용된다고 말합니다. 입금 및 출금 요청 처리 시간은 신용 카드를 통한 입금이 실시간 또는 영업일 기준 1일 이내에 처리될 수 있습니다. 신용 카드로 인출하면 신용 카드에 자금이 입금되기까지 최대 한 번의 청구 주기가 소요될 수 있습니다. 은행 송금을 통한 입금 또는 출금은 일반적으로 1-2일(국내) 및 3-5영업일(해외)이 소요됩니다.


NEWFX 약간의 롤오버 수수료가 부과됩니다. 더 구체적으로 말하자면, 통화, 상품, 지수, 주식 및 etfs에 대한 하룻밤 노출의 0.015%인 반면, 소매 고객 또는 전문 고객에 대한 암호화폐의 경우 0.05%입니다.

고객 지원

NEWFX의 고객 지원은 전화: +44 77 2387 6639, 이메일: support@newfx.co, cs@newfx.co 또는 라이브 채팅을 통해 연락할 수 있습니다. 게다가 Facebook, Twitter 및 YouTube와 같은 일부 소셜 미디어 플랫폼에서 이 브로커를 팔로우할 수도 있습니다. 영국 사무소: 33 Cavendish Square, Marylebone, London W1G 0PW, United Kingdom; UAE 사무소: Trade CentreTrade Center 2 – 두바이 – 아랍에미리트; 미국 사무소: 1000 NW Street, Mid-Town Brandy Wine, Ste 1200, Wilmington, DE 19801 Delaware, United States.

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의견 제출

1년 이상
https://youtu.be/k9FAMsHZ648SHAME NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
https://youtu.be/k9FAMsHZ648SHAME NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
한국어로 번역
2024-01-18 16:03
1년 이상
https://youtu.be/k9FAMsHZ648SHAME NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
https://youtu.be/k9FAMsHZ648SHAME NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
한국어로 번역
2023-09-19 21:30