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VT Markets회신
고객은 KYC (고객 신원 확인) 프로세스와 보너스 약관을 완료할 수 없으므로 자금을 인출할 수 없습니다. 고객 서비스에서 이미 그들에게 알려주었습니다.

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WikiFX 분쟁 조정 센터심사 통과
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WEIFENG4311조정 제출
조정 제출
1. Platform official website: https://www.gcnvtmarkets.com/ 2. I am Xu Jichun, my platform MT4 account is: 8023219, and I have exposed that the unscrupulous platform VT does not allow withdrawals. Specific situation: I manually swiped orders normally and suffered a slight loss. As a result, when I withdrew money, a malicious card refused to withdraw money! I don’t have much money, only a few hundred dollars! Such a small amount of money is stuck. If a large amount of money is not more troublesome, tough luck! ! ! Special exposure of unscrupulous platform VT! ! ! The specific order and chat screenshots are as follows.

2.이 플랫폼에서 케이스의 무단 전재는 금지됩니다. 범죄자는 법적 의무를 따를 것입니다.