요약:BTL ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED was incorporated on 18-SEP-2014 as a Private company limited by shares registered in Hong Kong. The date of annual examination for this private company limited is between Sep 18 and Oct 29 upon the anniversary of incorporation. The company's status is listed as “Live” now. BTL Asset Management Company Limited has been operating for 7 years 0 months, and 25 days.
General Information
BTL ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED was incorporated on 18-SEP-2014 as a Private company limited by shares registered in Hong Kong. The date of annual examination for this private company limited is between Sep 18 and Oct 29 upon the anniversary of incorporation. The company's status is listed as “Live” now. BTL Asset Management Company Limited has been operating for 7 years 0 months, and 25 days.
BTL was regulated by the securities and Futures Commission (SFC) with regulatory license number of BFJ113.
Business Scale
The company offers a wide range and a number of financial products, mainly divided into leveraged instruments and investment products. Leveraged products include CFD products, Futures, Commodities, and listed options, while investment products include stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, and managed portfolios.
Deposit & Withdrawal
BTL supports several deposit and withdrawal methods, including Visa, MasterCard, Visa Debit, Visa Electron, MasterCard Debit.