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주의:WikiFX평점이 너무 낮습니다, 주의 하십시오. 3
이전 탐지 : 2025-03-10
  • 이 브로커는 현재 효력 있는 규제가 없는 것으로 확인되었습니다. 위험에 유의하시기 바랍니다!
  • 해당 브로커가 주장한 독일 BaFin 규제(규제 번호: 146888)는 라이선스 도용으로 의심됩니다. 위험에 유의해 주세요!


Bernstein · 회사 개요
Bernstein 리뷰 요약
등록 국가/지역독일
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시장 상품CFDs/지수/상품/외환/금속/주식/암호화폐/통화
데모 계정
플랫폼Bernstein 클라이언트
고객 지원전화: +49 (0)89 2154 310-33
팩스: +49 (0)89 2154 310-99
이메일: service@bernstein-bank.com

Bernstein 정보

독일에 등록된 Bernstein은 CFD, 지수, 상품, 금속, 주식, 암호화폐, 외환 및 통화와 같은 다양한 거래 시장에 특화된 은행입니다.

상품은 다양한 원자재를 제공합니다. 귀금속부터 산업용 금속, 석유 및 가스와 같은 화석 연료부터 농업 원자재까지 다양합니다. 주식은 거래 당 10 유로의 수수료/고정 수수료를 가지고 있습니다.

Bernstein 정보

Bernstein 신뢰할 수 있나요?

독일 연방금융감독청(BaFin)은 라이선스 번호 146888 및 공통 금융 서비스 라이선스 유형으로 Bernstein을 규제합니다. 그러나 '의심스러운 클론'의 현재 상태는 규제된 상태만큼 안전하지 않습니다.

Is Bernstein Legit?
Is Bernstein Legit?

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의견 제출

1년 이상
Let's dive into the MT4 trading platform first. They brag about it being solid, but my experience? Far from it. Picture this: I'm trying to jump on a quick market move, right? I place my order, and it's like the platform decides to take a nap. By the time my trade executes, the moment's gone, and so's my chance for profit. It's like trying to race with a flat tire. Now, onto the spreads for forex and indices. You'd think "competitive" means something to them, but nah, their spreads are as wide as a river. It's like they're setting you up to fail before you even start. Trading forex felt like I was just donating my money to the Bernstein charity fund.
Let's dive into the MT4 trading platform first. They brag about it being solid, but my experience? Far from it. Picture this: I'm trying to jump on a quick market move, right? I place my order, and it's like the platform decides to take a nap. By the time my trade executes, the moment's gone, and so's my chance for profit. It's like trying to race with a flat tire. Now, onto the spreads for forex and indices. You'd think "competitive" means something to them, but nah, their spreads are as wide as a river. It's like they're setting you up to fail before you even start. Trading forex felt like I was just donating my money to the Bernstein charity fund.
한국어로 번역
2024-02-23 15:37
1년 이상
With the webinars and guidance from this broker, I am only looking forward to being able to use the knowledge these guys have opened my eyes to. I can only see it getting better once my reading of the charts moves up to a better level.
With the webinars and guidance from this broker, I am only looking forward to being able to use the knowledge these guys have opened my eyes to. I can only see it getting better once my reading of the charts moves up to a better level.
한국어로 번역
2023-03-10 14:34