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WikiFX 해외 고객 서비스브로커에게 문의
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WikiFX 분쟁 조정 센터심사 통과
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QING5138조정 제출
조정 제출
My trading account number is 19055780. This list was made by me at 4:47 am on October 19, 2023, Beijing time. As of 4:58, the XAU/USD price is suspended. My trading accounts are all premium accounts and enjoy interest-free treatment. However, at 5:00 in the morning, the platform suddenly changed my account to a standard account, causing inventory fees to be incurred in my account. I do not accept the platform's approach. EX is a large platform and I hope it will handle it as appropriate. Thanks!
2.이 플랫폼에서 케이스의 무단 전재는 금지됩니다. 범죄자는 법적 의무를 따를 것입니다.