2024-12-24 18:19
말레이시아 말레이시아
이 사기 플랫폼에 주의하세요: 놀라운 7.6% 아래
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2025-01-29 12:22
말레이시아 말레이시아
2024-12-30 11:52


Dear Valued Customer, Thank you for contacting us and providing feedback regarding your recent withdrawal issue. We appreciate your feedback and would like to clarify the situation. Due to recent changes in market regulations and compliance requirements, we have completely suspended USDT deposits, withdrawals, and related services. This decision was made to ensure platform compliance and the security of user assets and is not targeted at any specific user or intended to create obstacles. Following the discontinuation of USDT services, we clearly notified all users through platform announcements and other channels that direct USDT withdrawals are no longer supported. However, we understand that some customers prefer to withdraw in USDT. To accommodate these users, we have partnered with a third-party provider to offer an alternative exchange service. This service operates as follows: Upon withdrawal, the platform converts your funds to your local fiat currency (e.g., MYR) at the current exchange rate. The third-party provider then converts the fiat currency to USDT and transfers it to your designated account. Due to market fluctuations and third-party fees, the final amount received may differ slightly from the market exchange rate at the time of the initial conversion. In your case, the fluctuations in the USDT market and the third-party provider's fees resulted in a less-than-ideal withdrawal experience, for which we sincerely apologize. Please understand that the exchange rate differences and fees in this process are determined by the external market; the platform itself does not charge any additional fees or hidden deductions. We recommend that you use supported fiat currencies or other major cryptocurrencies for future withdrawals to avoid unnecessary exchange rate differences and additional fees. We are continuously working to optimize our service processes to provide you with a more convenient and high-quality trading experience. If you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team. We are always here to help. Thank you again for your understanding and support! Sincerely, The GFS Customer Service Team

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2024-12-26 12:01
홍콩 홍콩

브로커에게 문의

2024-12-26 10:05
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심사 통과

2024-12-24 18:19
말레이시아 말레이시아

조정 제출

[d83d][de21]이 사기 플랫폼을 절대로 믿지 마세요! 정말로 부도덕하고 속임수가 많습니다! 저는 USDT TRC20을 이용하여 예금을 했고, 인출을 시도할 때, 처음에는 1%의 수수료가 있다고 주장했으며, 저는 망설이며 받아들였습니다. 그러나 그들은 갑자기 USDT 인출을 비활성화하고 시장 환율과 놀라운 7.6%의 차이가 있는 다른 통화 환율을 사용하도록 강요했습니다! 심지어 USDT로 인출을 요구했을 때에도, 숨겨진 비용으로 인해 충격적인 5%의 환율 차이가 발생했습니다! 이 플랫폼은 숨겨진 수수료와 비윤리적인 행위로 사용자를 약탈하고 있습니다! 그들의 서비스와 경험은 정말로 혐오스럽고, 저를 분노하게 만들었습니다. 이 사기 플랫폼을 멀리하고 다른 사람들에게 함정에 빠지지 않도록 경고하세요![d83d][de21][d83d][de21][d83d][de21][d83d][de21] 증거가 있습니다: 저는 USDT TRC20을 사용하여 10,000 USD를 예금했습니다. 인출 시점에는 7,048.83 USD가 남아 있었으며, 이는 29,464.11 MYR로 환전되었습니다. 해당 날짜의 환율은 4.524였으며, 이로 인해 7.6%의 차이가 발생했습니다!


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2.이 플랫폼에서 케이스의 무단 전재는 금지됩니다. 범죄자는 법적 의무를 따를 것입니다.