2020-07-16 10:17
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EASuccess Comes through Risk management and Proper Lot Sizing
From experience, I've come to learn that success in forex, doesn't matter if you're trading Forex, Synthetic Indices, Commodities or metals, comes through proper risk management and lot sizing. I've been doing synthetic indices for 2 years now and it's going on well. I've come to realize that the first few months were rough because I was greedy, using huge lot sizes etc until i learnt the secret of proper risk management and lot sizing.
Leah Ludenyi
포럼 카테고리
신병 모집
Success Comes through Risk management and Proper Lot Sizing
홍콩 | 2020-07-16 10:17
From experience, I've come to learn that success in forex, doesn't matter if you're trading Forex, Synthetic Indices, Commodities or metals, comes through proper risk management and lot sizing. I've been doing synthetic indices for 2 years now and it's going on well. I've come to realize that the first few months were rough because I was greedy, using huge lot sizes etc until i learnt the secret of proper risk management and lot sizing.