
2020-11-02 13:57

업계에서Hiring APP Marketing Specialist (India)
🔶Responsibilities: 🔸Create 3 types of posts (forex ABC, forex news, forex scam alert) on FB on a daily basis. 🔸Create app marketing materials, and be responsible for the marketing KPI. 🔸Find Indian forex/investing/signal groups with more than 5k group members. 🔸Translate and proofread text from English to Hindi. 🔸Complete other tasks assigned by the project manager. 🔷Requirements: 🔹Download WikiFX APP is a must for applying this job. 🔹5+ year working experience in forex industry or digital marketing industry. 🔹Familiar with Facebook campaign. 🔹Good command of written and spoken English and Hindi. 🔹Finance Influencer is preferred. 🔹Knowledge of photo/video editing is an advantage. Expected Start Date: 01/11/2020 Job Types: Remote work Work Location: Pan India Monthly salary: 20000Rs Applicant please send your CV to waihuitianyan@gmail.com
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Hiring APP Marketing Specialist (India)
인도 | 2020-11-02 13:57
🔶Responsibilities: 🔸Create 3 types of posts (forex ABC, forex news, forex scam alert) on FB on a daily basis. 🔸Create app marketing materials, and be responsible for the marketing KPI. 🔸Find Indian forex/investing/signal groups with more than 5k group members. 🔸Translate and proofread text from English to Hindi. 🔸Complete other tasks assigned by the project manager. 🔷Requirements: 🔹Download WikiFX APP is a must for applying this job. 🔹5+ year working experience in forex industry or digital marketing industry. 🔹Familiar with Facebook campaign. 🔹Good command of written and spoken English and Hindi. 🔹Finance Influencer is preferred. 🔹Knowledge of photo/video editing is an advantage. Expected Start Date: 01/11/2020 Job Types: Remote work Work Location: Pan India Monthly salary: 20000Rs Applicant please send your CV to waihuitianyan@gmail.com
좋아요 0
나 도 댓 글 달 래.



댓글이 아직 없습니다. 첫 번째를 만드십시오.