요약:During Chinese Spring Festival Holiday(January 24th to 31th), the global financial market suffered great volatility due to the outbreak of public health emergency. Risky assets including stock fell, with A50 Index dropping 7%, Hang Seng Index 5.7%, Dow Jones Index and S&P 500 Index over 3%. Meanwhile, crude oil and base medal were in a downturn, and U.S. treasury’s yield suffered the biggest decline of 13%.
On the contrary, safe-haven assets rebounded, with Gold being up 2%, while Bitcoin rose over 11%, becoming the top performing financial asset.
After the Chinese Spring Festival, the Hong Kong stock market opened three trading days ahead of the A-share market, and the performance of Hong Kong stock which has the highest correlation with A-share reflected the market situation of the A-share market opening this week. In the three trading days after the Spring Festival, Hong Kong stock fell three days in a row, down 5.86% in total.
For Hong Kong stock investors, although the stock dropped for three consecutive trading days, there are also great chances. At present, the relationship between the Hong Kong stock market and the mainland economy has been close increasingly.
From the historical experience of asset prices, the impact of the pneumonia on asset prices will be apparent in the first quarter of 2020. Due to the uncertainty of the development of the disease, asset prices (including the expected response after the opening of the market) have implied many market expectations. Therefore, we believe that investment essentially depends on the quality of the target. It is suggested that investors should take a long-term view on market issues, starting from single stock to find the excellent target which is underestimated and hold it for a long time.
프랑스 외환 부채는 2019년 한 분기에서만 GDP의 100%를 초과하여 2조 1천만 4백 유로화라는 사상치를 기록했다. 프랑스 마크롱 대통령은 대선 전 5년 내 프랑스 부채를 5% 줄이겠다라는 공약은 현재까지 감감무소식이다.
2019년 11월 26일까지 영국 파운드 매도 포지션은 4673 증가하여 35676를 달성하였고, 그중 매수 포지션은 559 감소하여 38646을, 매도 포지션은 4114 증가한 75222를 기록하였다.
현재, 런던 금융 시티와 중국 인민은행 유럽 대표처에서 공동으로 발표한 다섯 번째 <런던인민폐 업무 분기보고서>에서는 2019년 제 2분기 하루 평균 인민폐 외환 거래량이 850억 파운드에 달하였다. 이는 전 분기 보다 8.8% 증가, 전년도 동기 대비 22.9% 증가한 수치로 최고치를 갱신하였다.