Mais de um ano
The execution speed left much to be desired, causing substantial losses as a result of unexpected slippage. The quoted prices consistently deviated from the prevailing market rates, creating a mismatch in my trading strategy. Despite my efforts to address these discrepancies, there was a notable lack of responsiveness from customer support. The absence of resolution or even acknowledgment of the issues raised further added to the frustration.
The execution speed left much to be desired, causing substantial losses as a result of unexpected slippage. The quoted prices consistently deviated from the prevailing market rates, creating a mismatch in my trading strategy. Despite my efforts to address these discrepancies, there was a notable lack of responsiveness from customer support. The absence of resolution or even acknowledgment of the issues raised further added to the frustration.
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2023-12-20 21:15
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Auro Markets
Verbo Capital
Pocket Option