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New Finance LLC

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Reino Unido

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Última detecção : 2025-03-06
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Verificação WikiFX

NEWFX · Resumo da empresa

Informações gerais

NEWFX é supostamente um corretor forex global stp/ecn baseado em dominic que fornece a seus clientes a plataforma de negociação meattrader4 padrão da indústria, alavancagem de até 1:100, spreads fixos ou flutuantes e nenhuma comissão em mais de 250 instrumentos financeiros negociáveis, bem como um escolha de sete tipos diferentes de contas ao vivo.

Instrumentos de mercado

NEWFX anuncia que oferece mais de 250 instrumentos de negociação em cinco classes de ativos nos mercados financeiros, incluindo cfds em forex, índices, commodities, ações e criptomoedas.

Tipos de conta

Existem sete contas de negociação ao vivo oferecidas pela NEWFX, ou seja, Basic, Discovery, Silver, Gold, Premium, VIP e VIP+. A abertura de uma conta básica requer o depósito inicial mínimo de $ 200, enquanto os outros seis tipos de conta com requisitos de capital inicial mínimo muito mais altos de $ 2.000, $ 5.000, $ 10.000, $ 15.000, $ 30.000 e $ 50.000, respectivamente.


a taxa de alavancagem máxima fornecida por NEWFX é de até 1:100. tenha em mente que a alavancagem pode aumentar tanto os ganhos quanto as perdas, traders inexperientes não são aconselhados a usar alavancagem muito alta.

Spreads & Comissões

diferentes comerciantes podem desfrutar de spreads bastante diferentes. além disso, os spreads são influenciados por quais classes de ativos os traders estão segurando. NEWFX revela que o spread padrão para forex é 1:50, para commodities ou índice é 4%, para ações é 10%, para criptomoeda é 100%. no entanto, os spreads que iniciantes ou profissionais podem experimentar são diferentes. em particular, o spread para forex, commodities, índice, ações e criptomoeda é de 1:100, 2%, 2%, 5% e 50%, respectivamente, para iniciantes, enquanto os processionais podem desfrutar de 1:200, 1%, 1%, 2,5% e 20% separadamente. todos cobrando sem comissões.

Plataforma de negociação disponível

quando se trata de plataformas de negociação disponíveis, NEWFX dá aos comerciantes web trader, mobile trader e metatrader4. mt4 é a plataforma de negociação mais conhecida e amplamente utilizada no mundo, oferecendo 9 prazos diferentes, indicadores técnicos, negociação com um clique, facilidades automatizadas e muito mais. enquanto com o comerciante móvel, a negociação pode ser feita de qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento através dos terminais móveis certos, incluindo android e ios.


Depósito e Retirada

NEWFX aceita depósitos via cartões de crédito como visa e mastercard, transferências bancárias e criptomoeda de bitcoin. o requisito de depósito mínimo para cartões de crédito é de € 200, enquanto o valor máximo de depósito por cartão de crédito é de € 50.000 para cada mês civil. e o valor máximo por depósito ou transação é de $/€ 5.000. o corretor diz que não cobra taxas de saque por meio de cartões de crédito, no entanto, uma pequena taxa é aplicada a todos os pedidos de transferência bancária. quanto ao tempo de processamento dos pedidos de depósito e levantamento, os depósitos através de cartões de crédito podem ser processados em tempo real ou no prazo de um dia útil; saques com cartões de crédito podem levar até um ciclo de cobrança para o crédito de fundos no cartão de crédito; depósitos ou saques via transferências bancárias geralmente levam de 1 a 2 dias (doméstico) e de 3 a 5 dias úteis (internacional).


NEWFX cobrará algumas taxas de rolagem. para ser mais específico, 0,015% da exposição overnight para moedas, commodities, índices, ações e etfs, enquanto 0,05% para criptomoeda, seja em clientes de varejo ou em clientes profissionais.

Suporte ao cliente

O suporte ao cliente da NEWFX pode ser contatado por telefone: +44 77 2387 6639, e-mail: support@newfx.co, cs@newfx.co ou chat ao vivo. Além disso, você também pode seguir este corretor em algumas plataformas de mídia social como Facebook, Twitter e YouTube. Escritório no Reino Unido: 33 Cavendish Square, Marylebone, Londres W1G 0PW, Reino Unido; Escritório nos Emirados Árabes Unidos: Trade CentreTrade Center 2 – Dubai – Emirados Árabes Unidos; Escritório nos EUA: 1000 NW Street, Mid-Town Brandy Wine, Ste 1200, Wilmington, DE 19801 Delaware, Estados Unidos.

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https://youtu.be/k9FAMsHZ648SHAME NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
https://youtu.be/k9FAMsHZ648SHAME NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
Traduzir para Chinês simples
2024-01-18 16:03
Mais de um ano
https://youtu.be/k9FAMsHZ648SHAME NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
https://youtu.be/k9FAMsHZ648SHAME NEWFX I apologize in advance for spelling errors more or less 10 months ago I put my number on a site to invest in Amazon, I was contacted by you, who immediately asked to invest in amazon and if there was a way to do something automatic without taking time away from my family, I the girl immediately said yes ... she asked me how much she wants to invest, I replied 250 I was, she tells me if you can get to 500 you would have given me 750 ... I said okay .... made the first transfer .. .then he tells me that Manuel, his manager, would contact me shortly for a chat ...ok after a few minutes she called me kind and friendly he tells me if I had put in another 2000 euros you would have given me 5000 so I could operate more even though I had told them that I just wanted to invest in amazon and I had time for this type of thing ... but I trusted ... and I made the 2nd transfer that she had me followed by one of her best brokers Cristian and asked me for my trading objective, I answered them 150-200 euros a month to get rid of some whim from my daughter Cristian calls me and has 12 small protected operations done to show me how it works I told them that I just wanted to invest in Amazon, he replied that Amazon needs a few months to see any results, I replied I'm not in a hurry .... but nothing after a few days he contacted me and told me that there was an investment that he thought was very profitable (bitcon) but I had to invest another
Traduzir para Chinês simples
2023-09-19 21:30