Financial Markets Authority

2011 AnosRegulado pelo governo

The Financial markets Authority (FMA) is a New Zealand government agency responsible for enforcing securities, financial reporting and company law as they apply to financial services and securities markets. The FMA also regulates securities exchanges, financial advisers and brokers, auditors, trustees and issuers - including issuers of KiwiSaver and superannuation schemes. It jointly oversees designated settlement systems in New Zealand, with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ). FMA is a member of New Zealand’s Council of Financial Regulators.

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  • Correspondência de divulgação correspondência de URL oficial
  • Tempo de divulgação 2021-04-09
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Cash Forex Group/dinheirofx

09 de abril de 2021 Cash Forex Group /cashfx compartilha este nome de entidade: Cash Forex Group /cashfx site: endereço: rbs tower - ave. balboa, ramón h. jurado st, 9º andar, punta paitilla, panamá motivo do aviso: a fma recomenda ter cautela antes de lidar com Cash Forex Group / cashfx group. Órgãos reguladores na Noruega, Reino Unido, Bahamas, Panamá e cinco reguladores canadenses emitiram um alerta sobre o cash fx group ou o colocaram em sua lista de cautela de investidores.
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