that you will likely not be able to pay and they say that you cannot get your previously invested money until you make the advance, but the catch is that there is no limit to the value which the advance can be so it could be $100K or more. Anyway, its a pretty elaborate and well resourced scam, presumably because they are making lots of money and can afford to invest lots of people hours, so it comes across as promising and I can see how people could easily lose big.DO NOT SEND THEM ANY MONEY!!
that you will likely not be able to pay and they say that you cannot get your previously invested money until you make the advance, but the catch is that there is no limit to the value which the advance can be so it could be $100K or more. Anyway, its a pretty elaborate and well resourced scam, presumably because they are making lots of money and can afford to invest lots of people hours, so it comes across as promising and I can see how people could easily lose big.DO NOT SEND THEM ANY MONEY!!
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