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более одного года
Honestly, * had high hopes for Bitwest Group. They promised us low spreads that seemed really competitive, but reality hit hard once * started trading. The spreads **** nowhere near what was advertised. It felt misleading and left me questioning the transparency of their operations. Then there's the slippage issue. * mean, a little slippage here and there is expected, right? But with Bitwest, it was a whole different story. Trades consistently executed at worse prices than * anticipated, eating into my profits more than *'ve ever experienced with other brokers. And let's talk about customer service—what a joke. Unprofessional is putting it mildly. Every time * reached out with concerns or needed clarity, the responses **** either delayed or completely unhelpful. It was as ** they **** making it up as they went along, no **** answers, just a lot of runaround.
Honestly, * had high hopes for Bitwest Group. They promised us low spreads that seemed really competitive, but reality hit hard once * started trading. The spreads **** nowhere near what was advertised. It felt misleading and left me questioning the transparency of their operations. Then there's the slippage issue. * mean, a little slippage here and there is expected, right? But with Bitwest, it was a whole different story. Trades consistently executed at worse prices than * anticipated, eating into my profits more than *'ve ever experienced with other brokers. And let's talk about customer service—what a joke. Unprofessional is putting it mildly. Every time * reached out with concerns or needed clarity, the responses **** either delayed or completely unhelpful. It was as ** they **** making it up as they went along, no **** answers, just a lot of runaround.
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2024-02-23 12:29
более одного года
I joined Bitwest Group because of my interest in making investments. They assigned me an advisor who got me to get things set up including opening an account with Binance trading platform. She was friendly, phoned me almost daily over a 3 week period being very persuasive getting me to invest more and more so she could invest in trades on my behalf. My regular bank intercepted one of my payments, their fraud team advising me of it being a scam. I notice they even sent spoof emails pretending to be Binance.
I joined Bitwest Group because of my interest in making investments. They assigned me an advisor who got me to get things set up including opening an account with Binance trading platform. She was friendly, phoned me almost daily over a 3 week period being very persuasive getting me to invest more and more so she could invest in trades on my behalf. My regular bank intercepted one of my payments, their fraud team advising me of it being a scam. I notice they even sent spoof emails pretending to be Binance.
Перевести на русский
2023-06-30 06:01
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