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Прошлое тестирование : 2025-03-09
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  • Текущая информация показывает, что у этого брокера нет торгового программного обеспечения. Пожалуйста, будьте осторожны!

Аттестация WikiFX

ActTrader · Описание компании

примечание: с тех пор ActTrader официальный сайт (https:// ActTrader .net) недоступен во время написания этого введения, из Интернета можно получить лишь поверхностное представление.

Общая информация и правила

ActTraderпредположительно является нерегулируемой финансовой брокерской компанией, зарегистрированной в Великобритании. К сожалению, другой более подробной информации об этом брокере нет в Интернете.

Служба поддержки

ActTraderСо службой поддержки клиентов можно связаться по телефону: +442037697841, электронной почте: support@ ActTrader .сеть. адрес компании: 36 portland pl, marylebone, london w1b 1ls, великобритания.

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Dai Ba
более одного года
Acttrader and AAAfx is a match made in heaven. I have been trading with this combination for a couple of months already and these two compliment each other perfectly. AAAfx has all the conditions to trade automatically with trading robots, and Acttrader has an edge over the MT platforms. Not only the platform has a big database of its own bots. You can convert the MT EAs if you have something worthy up your sleeve. Thus the number of Acttrader bots is considerably higher.
Acttrader and AAAfx is a match made in heaven. I have been trading with this combination for a couple of months already and these two compliment each other perfectly. AAAfx has all the conditions to trade automatically with trading robots, and Acttrader has an edge over the MT platforms. Not only the platform has a big database of its own bots. You can convert the MT EAs if you have something worthy up your sleeve. Thus the number of Acttrader bots is considerably higher.
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2023-06-04 17:21
Samuel Fortin
более одного года
All in all, it's quite an attractive software. It was super surprising for me to find out it was developed back in the early 00s. Sincerely, this fact also affected my decision to try this platform out and basically it impressed me from the point of technical specifications. It's a bit sophisticated as all of these API's and other stuff are over my head, but maybe I'm just a lamer.
All in all, it's quite an attractive software. It was super surprising for me to find out it was developed back in the early 00s. Sincerely, this fact also affected my decision to try this platform out and basically it impressed me from the point of technical specifications. It's a bit sophisticated as all of these API's and other stuff are over my head, but maybe I'm just a lamer.
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2023-05-24 03:28