2024-12-23 13:39
Отраслевой1⃣Introduction to Candlesticks 🔥
Candlesticks are a type of chart used in Forex trading to represent price movements over a specific time frame. Each candlestick gives us information about four key price points:
🔹Open: The price at the beginning of the time period.
🔹Close: The price at the end of the time period.
🔹High: The highest price during the time period.
🔹Low: The lowest price during the time period.
The candlestick body is the rectangular area between the open and close prices, and the wicks (or shadows) are the lines above and below the body, showing the highest and lowest prices during the time period.
Key Point: A green or white candlestick (bullish) means the price closed higher than it opened, showing buying pressure. A red or black candlestick (bearish) means the price closed lower than it opened, showing selling pressure. The longer the body, the stronger the trend. 📈
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1⃣Introduction to Candlesticks 🔥
Candlesticks are a type of chart used in Forex trading to represent price movements over a specific time frame. Each candlestick gives us information about four key price points:
🔹Open: The price at the beginning of the time period.
🔹Close: The price at the end of the time period.
🔹High: The highest price during the time period.
🔹Low: The lowest price during the time period.
The candlestick body is the rectangular area between the open and close prices, and the wicks (or shadows) are the lines above and below the body, showing the highest and lowest prices during the time period.
Key Point: A green or white candlestick (bullish) means the price closed higher than it opened, showing buying pressure. A red or black candlestick (bearish) means the price closed lower than it opened, showing selling pressure. The longer the body, the stronger the trend. 📈
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