บทคัดย่อ:Eureka is research and advisory-based financial intermediary in India, founded in 1992 and currently employing approximately 130 people. Eureka claims to serve over 70,000 investors in India through 29 branches and over 200 registered sub-brokers, with a client base that includes retail investors, institutions, corporate bodies, banks, financial institutions, and high No regulatory information is displayed on Eureka's website.
General Information & Regulation
Eureka is research and advisory-based financial intermediary in India, founded in 1992 and currently employing approximately 130 people. Eureka claims to serve over 70,000 investors in India through 29 branches and over 200 registered sub-brokers, with a client base that includes retail investors, institutions, corporate bodies, banks, financial institutions, and high No regulatory information is displayed on Eureka's website.
Products & Services
Eureka offers financial products and services to investors in equities, derivatives, currencies, commodities, IPOs, mutual funds, fixed deposits, bonds, portfolio management, custodian services, NPS (National Pension System), etc.
Trading Platform Available
Eureka claims to offer traders a customized and user-friendly trading platform, namely EuTrade - Web & Eutrade Mobile, which enables traders to invest in equities, derivatives, commodities, and currencies online from their desktops or smartphones.