บทคัดย่อ:Since Kuveyt Menkul is a Kuwait-based financial provider that was not established quietly, with an operating time of only 2-5 years. Since this brokerage's website cannot be accessed, we are unable to obtain more details on its trading assets, trading costs involved, and leverage, except for the advanced MT5 trading platform it offers.
Since Kuveyt Menkuls official website (https://kuveytmenkul1.com/) is unavailable at this time, we could only gather relevant information from other websites to present a rough picture of this brokerage.
General Information
Since Kuveyt Menkul is a Kuwait-based financial provider that was not established quietly, with an operating time of only 2-5 years. Since this brokerage's website cannot be accessed, we are unable to obtain more details on its trading assets, trading costs involved, and leverage, except for the advanced MT5 trading platform it offers.
When it comes to regulation, it has been verified that Kuveyt Menkul does not fall under any valid regulations. That is why its regulatory status on WikiFX is listed as “No License” and it receives a relatively low score of 1.30/10. Please be aware of the risk.
Trading Platform
Surprisingly What Kuveyt Menkul offers is the Industry-leading MT5 trading platform,
The MT5 platform is suitable for your skill level and trading approach, regardless of whether you are an experienced trader or just starting out, providing users with sophisticated tools for technical analysis, automatic trading capabilities (EAs), chosen by millions of traders all over the world.
Traders are also able to examine their orders, trades, and account details, and keep up to date with the most recent market circumstances thanks to the intuitive user interface that is provided by the platform.
Customer Support
Kuveyt Menkul 's email and phone support services are both available to traders with inquiries or problems related to trading. Contact details are listed below:
+972 3 7621622
+7 499 6097072
+44 20 80892277
+40 31 2295433
Email: destek@kuveytmenkul.com
Registered Company Address: Khaled Ibn Al Waleed Street Al Dhow Tower, 13th Floor Sharq, Kuwait City.
Risk Warning
Online trading in leveraged Forex and CFD instruments contains a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors.
Please note that the information contained in this article is for general information purposes only.
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