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Hơn 1 năm
One time when the USD/JPY pair showed some unusual fluctuations. I noticed an unexpected widening of the spread, and it aroused my suspicion. I raised the concern with TS Markets support team. They were quick to respond, and they walked me through the market analysis, explaining how certain macroeconomic events had caused the spread increase.
One time when the USD/JPY pair showed some unusual fluctuations. I noticed an unexpected widening of the spread, and it aroused my suspicion. I raised the concern with TS Markets support team. They were quick to respond, and they walked me through the market analysis, explaining how certain macroeconomic events had caused the spread increase.
Dịch sang tiếng việt nam
2023-10-13 17:38
Trả lời
Hayden White
Hơn 1 năm
At first, everything was hunky-dory. The trades were flowing in like honey, and the profits appeared to be sweet. Little did I know, I was gleefully skipping my way into a pitfall. The first hint of trouble brewed when I took a few losses. Losses in trading are as common as grains of sand in the desert, but there was something fishy about these. It was as though no matter which way I traded, I was bound to lose. It felt like being stuck in some twilight zone where everything seems perfectly fine but something's subtly amiss. Frustrated, I decided to delve deeper, and wouldn't you know it? My worst fears come to light: TS Markets was operating without any regulations! I kid you not, my trading had been completely at the mercy of a broker sneaking around in the shady alleyways of forex. I felt like a royal fool! I'd let a sly fox like TS Markets pull the wool over my eyes. I had trustingly handed over my hard-earned money to this chop-shop of a broker like an unsuspecting tourist getting swindled at a carnival.
At first, everything was hunky-dory. The trades were flowing in like honey, and the profits appeared to be sweet. Little did I know, I was gleefully skipping my way into a pitfall. The first hint of trouble brewed when I took a few losses. Losses in trading are as common as grains of sand in the desert, but there was something fishy about these. It was as though no matter which way I traded, I was bound to lose. It felt like being stuck in some twilight zone where everything seems perfectly fine but something's subtly amiss. Frustrated, I decided to delve deeper, and wouldn't you know it? My worst fears come to light: TS Markets was operating without any regulations! I kid you not, my trading had been completely at the mercy of a broker sneaking around in the shady alleyways of forex. I felt like a royal fool! I'd let a sly fox like TS Markets pull the wool over my eyes. I had trustingly handed over my hard-earned money to this chop-shop of a broker like an unsuspecting tourist getting swindled at a carnival.
Dịch sang tiếng việt nam
2023-10-23 13:57
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Tên sàn giao dịch *
TS Markets
Hãy chấm điểm sàn giao dịch *
Gửi bình luận

Người dùng lưu ý:

1.Bình luận của tôi là những ý kiến chủ quan, dựa trên kinh nghiệm cá nhân về công ty

2.Tôi không nhận các phí quảng cáo hay các phí tương tự để viết bình luận này

3.Tôi không có mối quan hệ kinh doanh hoặc cá nhân nào với công ty đang được xem xét hoặc bất kỳ đối thủ cạnh tranh nào của công ty, ngoại trừ với tư cách là khách hàng

4.Bản đánh giá của tôi hoàn toàn là ý kiến cá nhân, nội dung hoàn toàn khách quan, tuân thủ pháp luật và quy định của địa phương

Tôi muốn bình luận

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  • Warren Bowie & Smith

  • LION
