Hoa Kỳ

2020-04-15 10:21

NgànhWin WikiFX VIP Worth Up to $13.99! Comment COVID1
1. Activity name: Win WikiFX VIP Worth Up to $13.99! Comment COVID-19 Topic in WikiFX App or Share Post to Your Facebook Page 2. Activity background: Over the past month, the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has spread around the world, causing turmoil in financial markets. In addition to the plunge in major stock markets, the bond and forex markets also fluctuated significantly. What are your unique insights about the current and future forex market trends? Come join us in sharing your views on market outlook and win WikiFX VIP membership! 3.Activity period: April 15th, 2020 0: 00: 00 ~ April 21th, 23:59:59 (EST: UTC+8) 4.How to participate: (Check more details at 1st comment)
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Win WikiFX VIP Worth Up to $13.99! Comment COVID1
Hoa Kỳ | 2020-04-15 10:21
1. Activity name: Win WikiFX VIP Worth Up to $13.99! Comment COVID-19 Topic in WikiFX App or Share Post to Your Facebook Page 2. Activity background: Over the past month, the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has spread around the world, causing turmoil in financial markets. In addition to the plunge in major stock markets, the bond and forex markets also fluctuated significantly. What are your unique insights about the current and future forex market trends? Come join us in sharing your views on market outlook and win WikiFX VIP membership! 3.Activity period: April 15th, 2020 0: 00: 00 ~ April 21th, 23:59:59 (EST: UTC+8) 4.How to participate: (Check more details at 1st comment)
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