
2020-09-09 14:49

Ngành Marketing Specialist Needed (Brunei)
Requirements: 1) Quite familiar with finance, forex, and related fields. 2) Heavy social media user and experienced in digital marketing. 3) Be able to create good marketing strategies. Forex community admin or user influencer is very preferred. 4) Proficient in English and local language, competent for translation. 5) It's a must to be responsible and cooperative. Immediate availability is preferred. 6) Knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or Premiere Pro is an advantage. 7) Good at editing forex-related news/ promotional materials.   Job Details: - This is a part-time job with a 3-month probation. - 200 USD per month before&after the probation, and it'll be paid off after your weekly KPI is achieved.
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 Marketing Specialist Needed (Brunei)
Brunei | 2020-09-09 14:49
Requirements: 1) Quite familiar with finance, forex, and related fields. 2) Heavy social media user and experienced in digital marketing. 3) Be able to create good marketing strategies. Forex community admin or user influencer is very preferred. 4) Proficient in English and local language, competent for translation. 5) It's a must to be responsible and cooperative. Immediate availability is preferred. 6) Knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or Premiere Pro is an advantage. 7) Good at editing forex-related news/ promotional materials.   Job Details: - This is a part-time job with a 3-month probation. - 200 USD per month before&after the probation, and it'll be paid off after your weekly KPI is achieved.
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