倫敦金,又稱之爲現貨黃金,故名思義,是指在英國倫敦交收的現貨黃金交易。本地的倫敦金交易活動,英文稱爲Loco London Gold,一般爲非實物交收的黃金交易,只是一種虛擬的賬面交易,不進行實物交割。在你的存摺上反映你有幾克黃金,只是一種記帳符號,不能提取實物黃金。它只是通過買賣賺取差價。。倫敦金幷非如股票市場一般有既定的交易所,而是采用場外交易方式。
只要在AximTade註冊並完成驗證,就可以獲得這筆獎金。就這麼簡單!通過我們的新手禮包55,您將體驗前所未有的無風險交易! 交易14天,當您達到最低手數要求時,利潤就是您的。利潤提取是無限的,所以現在就開始交易吧!
Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency reached a new all-time high on Friday.
Demand for gold declined in the third quarter
The price of gold continues to rebound, regaining its mid-September level of about $1800, thanks to rising investor inflation expectations.
The dollar strengthened on Friday, helped by positive economic data, but was headed for its second week of declines, while commodity-linked currencies slipped as traders adjusted their positions after this week's sharp rise.
Daily Market Recap – BTCUSD surges to record highs, prompted by introduction of new ETFs BTC hit a new all-time high the day after the first U.S. ETF based on bitcoin futures went public, a development that is expected to spur investment in the digital asset.
The EURUSD has been on the rise since yesterday, reaching a 3-week high of around $1.1650.
Gold and silver saw strong swings this week as the precious metals benefited from growing concerns about inflation and negative real yields.
The EUR/USD has been rising since Tuesday on the back of falling U.S. bond yields, especially real yields.
上週五公佈的美國9月非農就業數據意外地疲弱, 職位增加19.4萬個,遠少過市場預期的50萬人,是9個月來最少。
Oil prices have been recovering since midday Thursday after falling the day before following Putin's comments and the second unexpected rise in U.S. oil inventories.
The prices of various gases have been falling on the financial markets since Wednesday.
美國公佈9月“小非農”ADP 就業數據顯示,9月新增就業56.8萬人,公佈結果高於美國媒體分析師預期。
The greenback is down after hitting a one-year high of 94.50 on Wednesday.