
HUAXINSolved after user's confirmation
HUAXINSupplemental Materials
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Please reply to the email with investigation results as soon as possible. It has been over 20 days.

WikiFX Mediation CenterReply
Dear customer, please send the relevant information to broker's email address, attaching with detailed problem description.
HUAXINSupplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
1. 27148029exness-real8 2. What's the phone code? 3. order number showed in the image 4. the system was frozen suddenly when I was outing of market after closing positions. The whole interface was frozen, but other platforms operate normally in trading.

With respect to the loss caused by the frozen system, if you have any questions, please reply to the email and provide the information as follows, 1. trading account; 2. phone code; 3. order number; 4. problem description. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
With respect to the loss caused by the frozen system, if you have any questions, please reply to the email and provide the information as follows, 1. trading account; 2. phone code; 3. order number; 4. problem description. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
HUAXINSupplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
When I decided to out of market after profiting from the non-farm market quotations, the system was frozen, so I failed. The button to close position did not work. And then I outed of the market with loss for being unable to trade.

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Originally, I want to withdraw when it was obvious that I made a profit, but I got stuck, and I lost a lot of money.

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