Unable to Withdraw

YINUOQIANJIN73974Solved after user's confirmation
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When can you deal with my withdrawal problem, MultiBank Group? Life is tough. I will start to complain.
YINUOQIANJIN73974Supplemental Materials
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MultiBank Group, please contact me as soon as possible to deal with the problem. Or I'll report it to the regulator.
MultiBank GroupReply
The platform has already received your information, and our specialist is trying to reach out to you to deal with your problem. Please wait patiently. Thank you.
YINUOQIANJIN73974Supplemental Materials
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Account name's Ge Wennian.

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My Multibank account is 333513802 with a total balance of 8939.36 dollars. I cannot withdraw since October 2021. Please help to deal with it. Thank you.

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