Ikhtisar:Founded in 2013, TopOption is allegedly a suspicious regulated binary options broker registered in South Korea. The broker claims that traders can trade binary options on the go with its mobile trading platforms. Unluckily, other more detailed information is not available on the Internet.
Note: Since TopOptions official site (https://www.superboption.com/) is not accessible while writing this introduction, only a cursory understanding can be obtained from the Internet.
General Information & Regulation
Founded in 2013, TopOption is allegedly a suspicious regulated binary options broker registered in South Korea. The broker claims that traders can trade binary options on the go with its mobile trading platforms. Unluckily, other more detailed information is not available on the Internet.
Market Instruments
TopOption advertises that it offers binary options trading on more than 100 tradable assets in financial markets. However, we didnt find other specific information about what are the types of tradable assets.
Trading Platform Available
TopOption says that traders can trade binary options by using their Apple or Android mobile phones. Anyway, we suggest you use MT4 or MT5 as the trading platform. MetaTrader is the most popular forex trading platform, which the traders praise for its stability and trustworthiness. It features sophisticated trading tools such as Expert Advisors, Algo trading, Complex indicators and Strategy tester. Metatrader created a marketplace with currently 10,000+ trading apps the traders can utilize to achieve better results. Both MT4 and MT5 have mobile Apps, trading can be done from anywhere and at any time through the right mobile terminals including iOS and Android devices.
Customer Support
TopOptions customer support can be reached by telephone: +35723572011, email: admin@superboption.com. Besides, you can follow this broker on some social platforms like LinkedIn. Company address: Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus.
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