
Bitcoin Technical Analysis

Hi all. Kind of a hard week and hard times at all and here i`m am again. Is all about Bitcoin lost or it`s just a healthy correction? Guess what… nothing is lost yet, not at all. Be sure that when something in the Bitcoin`s life change in negative direction i`ll admit it but that time isn`t come yet. In the next 3 posts i`ll show you how nothing has changed in Bitcoin`s technicals (up to this date) after this week`s dip. This 3 charts will be daily, weekly and monthly. I`m starting with the lowest and may be the less interesting chart – daily. In this chart we`ll see a couple of indicators – 50 MA, 200 MA, EMA Ribbon and the fibo levels. The price is still above the 50 MA and a bit lower from the 200 MA – not a 100% bullish but bullish after all. The more interesting is the interaction between both MA`s. As you`ll see from the chart we`re very close to so called Golden cross – very bullish. What about EMA ribbon? The price is not above it but it`s also not below it. The ribbon itself is not in a flipping position too. These 2 facts are also more bullish than bearish. Fibo levels you can use as support and resistance levels. If we fall way lower, I believe at least the golden pocket (from $38400 and $37600) will react as a strong support and we`ll bounce from there and this will be around $10000 higher than the previous low – positive for the actual bull run. That`s it for now. Like I said above, this is not so interesting but the next (weekly) chart will be way more interesting and bullish. See ya and remember… DCA (dollar cost average) all the way. It`s a marathon not a sprint.

2024-09-20 07:25





Because we are a free and open community chat, we have strict content and chatting rules that all members must follow to keep the community humming along smoothly. Members not following the rules will be ejected from the chat, often permanently. Moderators also reserve the right to kick or ban anyone at their own discretion. RULES: No promotional activity This includes promotion of your blog, website, product, or service. It doesn't matter how "free" your service or content is, promotion here is not permitted and will result in a ban. This also includes content marketing, such as watermarked infographics or videos. This includes putting your social media handle in your username. We are not here for you to game followers. Keep It Professional and Friendly! No insults or attacks of any kind. Abusive posters will be banned. We don't care if they called you names first; report the abuse to the moderators and we will deal with the offending party. Giving into a name calling spat will likely get everyone involved a long timeout (ban.) Go light on the memes Memes are occasionally funny, but don't overdo it. We welcome the occasional meme, especially on weekends while waiting for the market to open, but if your account is a non-stop shitposting train you best stick to the off-topic channel. Use common sense here, we are traders, not degenerates. Mods have final say on all issues that arise Mods reserve the right to remove any posts without explanation. Do not argue with the mods over decisions made, they are here to help the community and any abuse of a moderator will result in a ban. Example images are reduced by 50%, they will be larger in the chatroom. The bot is powered by our friends over at TradingView, who we highly recommend for web based charting. Coming soon:

2024-09-20 06:39




BBY trust accounts missing money

The reason that I do not place a lot of margin with Brokers. ie use as much leverage as available. =============================================================== BBY trust accounts missing money, KPMG says; clients out of pocket millions of dollars By Elysse Morgan Posted yesterday at 7:17pm Two weeks after the very public collapse of broker BBY, clients have no idea of the state of their investments, with administrator KPMG today releasing a statement saying the broking firm may not have enough money to pay creditors. KPMG said they believed some clients' money was missing from BBY's trust accounts. "At this preliminary stage of our investigations, we have concerns that there could be a shortfall in funds held in trust on behalf of BBY clients, and we are now forensically reconciling the extent of this gap," it said in a statement. They said their investigations were being hampered by the poor state of BBY's financial records and the high number of unprocessed transactions. The administrators held a meeting earlier in the week but creditors said it gave them no new information. BBY chief Glenn Rosewall was a big name in the stockbroking world but unbeknownst to hundreds of clients, his firm had been teetering on the edge of insolvency for weeks. It all came crashing down a fortnight ago when BBY's bank pulled the pin, leaving some clients millions of dollars out of pocket. Following the collapse, the ASX stepped in and froze the company's activities with some clients saying this exposed them to potentially heavy losses. Client traded options for 40 years, lost up to $10m in collapse BBY client Dr Julian Mazzetti has traded options for 40 years and said he was out of pocket "somewhere between $4 and $10 million". He said his money was lost when his options contracts were forcibly closed by the ASX following BBY's collapse. Some of the positions that I had bought I had held for over nine months. I thought they were mine to sell and manage as my property - apparently not. BBY client Dr Julian Mazzetti "My property was taken and sold last week, without my knowledge, without my consent and still a week later I can't get any sense out of anyone," Dr Mazzetti said. Options are complex and risky. They are contracts between buyers and sellers in the market, the buyer has the option to buy a stock at a certain price within a specified time. They require constant management. "Some of the positions that I had bought I had held for over nine months," Dr Mazzetti said. "I thought they were mine to sell and manage as my property - apparently not." The ASX stopped all clients from trading within hours of administrators taking control. Options then started to be closed out, but not instantly, leaving clients exposed. The ASX said it had no alternative but to take the unprecedented action. "... When insolvency occurs unfortunately the number of options shrinks dramatically - we had no choice but to start closing out," ASX chief Elmer Funke Kupper said. 'I watched tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars disappear' BBY client Dr Gunnar Haid was stunned when the ASX stopped all clients from trading. "There was a complete halt on trading them, that doesn't sound like a big deal but for an options trader to not be able to trade open positions is a bad thing and is scary and can cause a lot of damage," he said. There are two ways to look at it, inside the ASX they either didn't know what the consequences are or they didn't care, it's one of those and I don't know which one is worse. BBY client Dr Gunnar Haid "What shocked me was that I was told 'sorry, but you can no longer trade' so I was waiting with open contracts three days before expiry [which is a] pretty nasty market move and all I could do was look and watch as possibly tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars disappeared." Questions are being asked whether the ASX could have prevented the losses if it moved against BBY earlier. Back on May 6, the ASX was aware BBY was close to insolvency and committed then to working with the company to prevent a collapse and protect clients. "We worked very hard for those 10 days with the company and with the bank to see if we could get to an orderly process of the company exiting the options business and transferring the customers to another clearer and another bank," Mr Kupper said. BBY had told clients then they had to find a new broker by June 1 but that suddenly changed when Mr Rosewall called in the administrators on May 18. Clients that had not already switched brokers, like Dr Mazzetti, were closed out and are furious.

2024-09-20 06:18




Gold Two-Hour Price Chart

It’s been a really bullish year for gold and even pullbacks from major and significant breakouts have been rather minor, in the big picture. And as I said in that pre-Fed article I’m not exactly looking to be extremely bearish on gold given how strong bulls have been so far this year. But – that also doesn’t mean that I’m looking to chase when price is far away from any nearby swing-lows. And given the potential for profit-taking on Friday ahead of the weekly close, there could be motive for trying to be patient, waiting for support and then looking at continuation scenarios. At this point that same 2544-2550 zone could suffice but given that it’s already seen a bounce, if that does come into play then we’d be looking at a lower-high provided bulls weren’t yet able to re-test 2600. That would point to the possibility of a bounce from that zone up to another lower-high, if it bounces at all. For that, I would then look to short-term resistance of 2570 or 2580, both levels that have had some degree of interest over the past couple days. As for key support, this isn’t all that creative but much like we saw from the most recent major move – it was prior range resistance that helped to set the floor that bulls drove from. That was in the 2477-2483 zone and the resistance to go along with that support (at prior resistance) was the 2527-2531 level. This was also a zone I had discussed in the gold strategy piece ahead of FOMC yesterday but it hasn’t yet come into play. A deeper pullback to that level would have a few items of interest for bullish continuation scenarios. And, notably, the 2531 level is confluent with the 50% mark of the Fibonacci retracement produced by the September major move; and both the 23.6% and 38.2% marks of that same study have had some claim for support already.

2024-09-20 05:55



IndustryReal A-Book Brokers

It's good that you recognize the marketing terms used by most retail brokers.. since they only apply very loosely in a technical sense to the broker's offering. The hard reality is any broker offering MT4 simply can't provide an "ECN" in the sense of what you are looking for.. the archaic MT4 platform needs the broker to run a quote engine... and even with server side "add-ins" that let brokers emulate an BBO style book of quotes from their LPs, the experience you will have is not the same as actually trading on an electronic exchange with peers competing for prices (live auction market.) The industry as it is comprised creates a few major limitations in striving for a proper ECN environment.... You have to keep in mind, spot FX is a decentralized and "made" market (as in market maker based.)Even with the shift from phone brokering (a-la the 70's-90's where most of the volume was turned in relationship based with a bank's currency desk directly,) to electronic trading as we see it today... it's still a "made" market where the LPs have direct deal terms with the vendors and brokers who contract with them


2024-09-20 08:31

IndustryBitcoin Technical Analysis

Hi all. Kind of a hard week and hard times at all and here i`m am again. Is all about Bitcoin lost or it`s just a healthy correction? Guess what… nothing is lost yet, not at all. Be sure that when something in the Bitcoin`s life change in negative direction i`ll admit it but that time isn`t come yet. In the next 3 posts i`ll show you how nothing has changed in Bitcoin`s technicals (up to this date) after this week`s dip. This 3 charts will be daily, weekly and monthly. I`m starting with the lowest and may be the less interesting chart – daily. In this chart we`ll see a couple of indicators – 50 MA, 200 MA, EMA Ribbon and the fibo levels. The price is still above the 50 MA and a bit lower from the 200 MA – not a 100% bullish but bullish after all. The more interesting is the interaction between both MA`s. As you`ll see from the chart we`re very close to so called Golden cross – very bullish. What about EMA ribbon? The price is not above it but it`s also not below it. The ribbon itself is not in a flipping position too. These 2 facts are also more bullish than bearish. Fibo levels you can use as support and resistance levels. If we fall way lower, I believe at least the golden pocket (from $38400 and $37600) will react as a strong support and we`ll bounce from there and this will be around $10000 higher than the previous low – positive for the actual bull run. That`s it for now. Like I said above, this is not so interesting but the next (weekly) chart will be way more interesting and bullish. See ya and remember… DCA (dollar cost average) all the way. It`s a marathon not a sprint.


2024-09-20 07:25


Because we are a free and open community chat, we have strict content and chatting rules that all members must follow to keep the community humming along smoothly. Members not following the rules will be ejected from the chat, often permanently. Moderators also reserve the right to kick or ban anyone at their own discretion. RULES: No promotional activity This includes promotion of your blog, website, product, or service. It doesn't matter how "free" your service or content is, promotion here is not permitted and will result in a ban. This also includes content marketing, such as watermarked infographics or videos. This includes putting your social media handle in your username. We are not here for you to game followers. Keep It Professional and Friendly! No insults or attacks of any kind. Abusive posters will be banned. We don't care if they called you names first; report the abuse to the moderators and we will deal with the offending party. Giving into a name calling spat will likely get everyone involved a long timeout (ban.) Go light on the memes Memes are occasionally funny, but don't overdo it. We welcome the occasional meme, especially on weekends while waiting for the market to open, but if your account is a non-stop shitposting train you best stick to the off-topic channel. Use common sense here, we are traders, not degenerates. Mods have final say on all issues that arise Mods reserve the right to remove any posts without explanation. Do not argue with the mods over decisions made, they are here to help the community and any abuse of a moderator will result in a ban. Example images are reduced by 50%, they will be larger in the chatroom. The bot is powered by our friends over at TradingView, who we highly recommend for web based charting. Coming soon:


2024-09-20 06:39

IndustryPoints not Dollars, and Non-Monetary Trading Goals

One change you can make to help with cutting losses is to remove the dollar signs from your view as you trade. Stop looking at your account's profit and loss (P/L's,) for it can easily turn into a bad influence. Your time as a trader is to be spent living in the moment, in the current trade, that's it. And besides, your past trade's impact on your profit and loss statement should have zero impact on your next trade's decision or risk. As a trader, you will be aiming to make pips/ticks/points/pennies**, not a dollar return. The idea here is to remove the ability of your current P/L from the decision process on your next trade ( many times have you put on 'just one more trade' to help recover from losses when you didn't really have a clear signal?)


2024-09-20 06:22

IndustryBBY trust accounts missing money

The reason that I do not place a lot of margin with Brokers. ie use as much leverage as available. =============================================================== BBY trust accounts missing money, KPMG says; clients out of pocket millions of dollars By Elysse Morgan Posted yesterday at 7:17pm Two weeks after the very public collapse of broker BBY, clients have no idea of the state of their investments, with administrator KPMG today releasing a statement saying the broking firm may not have enough money to pay creditors. KPMG said they believed some clients' money was missing from BBY's trust accounts. "At this preliminary stage of our investigations, we have concerns that there could be a shortfall in funds held in trust on behalf of BBY clients, and we are now forensically reconciling the extent of this gap," it said in a statement. They said their investigations were being hampered by the poor state of BBY's financial records and the high number of unprocessed transactions. The administrators held a meeting earlier in the week but creditors said it gave them no new information. BBY chief Glenn Rosewall was a big name in the stockbroking world but unbeknownst to hundreds of clients, his firm had been teetering on the edge of insolvency for weeks. It all came crashing down a fortnight ago when BBY's bank pulled the pin, leaving some clients millions of dollars out of pocket. Following the collapse, the ASX stepped in and froze the company's activities with some clients saying this exposed them to potentially heavy losses. Client traded options for 40 years, lost up to $10m in collapse BBY client Dr Julian Mazzetti has traded options for 40 years and said he was out of pocket "somewhere between $4 and $10 million". He said his money was lost when his options contracts were forcibly closed by the ASX following BBY's collapse. Some of the positions that I had bought I had held for over nine months. I thought they were mine to sell and manage as my property - apparently not. BBY client Dr Julian Mazzetti "My property was taken and sold last week, without my knowledge, without my consent and still a week later I can't get any sense out of anyone," Dr Mazzetti said. Options are complex and risky. They are contracts between buyers and sellers in the market, the buyer has the option to buy a stock at a certain price within a specified time. They require constant management. "Some of the positions that I had bought I had held for over nine months," Dr Mazzetti said. "I thought they were mine to sell and manage as my property - apparently not." The ASX stopped all clients from trading within hours of administrators taking control. Options then started to be closed out, but not instantly, leaving clients exposed. The ASX said it had no alternative but to take the unprecedented action. "... When insolvency occurs unfortunately the number of options shrinks dramatically - we had no choice but to start closing out," ASX chief Elmer Funke Kupper said. 'I watched tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars disappear' BBY client Dr Gunnar Haid was stunned when the ASX stopped all clients from trading. "There was a complete halt on trading them, that doesn't sound like a big deal but for an options trader to not be able to trade open positions is a bad thing and is scary and can cause a lot of damage," he said. There are two ways to look at it, inside the ASX they either didn't know what the consequences are or they didn't care, it's one of those and I don't know which one is worse. BBY client Dr Gunnar Haid "What shocked me was that I was told 'sorry, but you can no longer trade' so I was waiting with open contracts three days before expiry [which is a] pretty nasty market move and all I could do was look and watch as possibly tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars disappeared." Questions are being asked whether the ASX could have prevented the losses if it moved against BBY earlier. Back on May 6, the ASX was aware BBY was close to insolvency and committed then to working with the company to prevent a collapse and protect clients. "We worked very hard for those 10 days with the company and with the bank to see if we could get to an orderly process of the company exiting the options business and transferring the customers to another clearer and another bank," Mr Kupper said. BBY had told clients then they had to find a new broker by June 1 but that suddenly changed when Mr Rosewall called in the administrators on May 18. Clients that had not already switched brokers, like Dr Mazzetti, were closed out and are furious.


2024-09-20 06:18

IndustryUK Bank Rate maintained at 5% - September 2024

The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) sets monetary policy to meet the 2% inflation target, and in a way that helps to sustain growth and employment. The MPC adopts a medium-term and forward-looking approach to determine the monetary stance required to achieve the inflation target sustainably. At its meeting ending on 18 September 2024, the MPC voted by a majority of 8–1 to maintain Bank Rate at 5%. One member preferred to reduce Bank Rate by 0.25 percentage points, to 4.75%. The Committee voted unanimously to reduce the stock of UK government bond purchases held for monetary policy purposes, and financed by the issuance of central bank reserves, by £100 billion over the next 12 months, to a total of £558 billion. Monetary policy decisions have been guided by the need to squeeze persistent inflationary pressures out of the system so as to return CPI inflation to the 2% target both in a timely manner and on a lasting basis. Policy has been acting to ensure that inflation expectations remain well anchored. As set out at the time of the August Monetary Policy Report, the Committee’s deliberations have been supported by the consideration of a range of cases, to which different probabilities and different risks can be attached.


2024-09-20 06:15

IndustryU.S. Housing Market Needs More Fed Rates.

U.S. Housing Market Needs More Fed Rate Cuts to Boost Supply, Affordability Fitch Ratings-New York-19 September 2024: Federal Reserve rate cuts will relieve pressures on the U.S. housing market, but mortgage rates are unlikely to fall below 5.0% before 2027, Fitch Ratings says. The 30-year fixed mortgage rate and the 10-year Treasury yield have already priced in the 50bp Fed rate cut, and even with further cuts, declines in the 30-year mortgage rate to around 5.0% are contingent on the spread over 10-year Treasuries reverting to the 10-year pre-pandemic average of 1.8pp. The 10-year yield has less room to decline following the rate cut after declines this summer in anticipation of easing monetary policy. We expect the 10-year yield will not fall much further than its current level of around 3.70% to end 2026 at 3.50%. A 3.50% 10-year Treasury yield plus the historical average spread of 1.8pp results in a 5.20% mortgage rate. The spread between the 30-year mortgage rate and the 10-year Treasury yield has been elevated relative to the historical average since the Fed began raising policy rates in March 2022, reflecting increased mortgage prepayment risk as well as the Fed decreasing its holdings of MBS. The spread neared 3.0% in November 2023, when the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate was at a cycle high of 7.8%, and has compressed slightly, averaging 2.6pp since January 2024.


2024-09-20 06:13

IndustryHOWTO: (Easily) install the latest Metatrader 4

Written for Linux Mint 19.3 MetaTrader 4 is a Windows based application, however, it can be installed on Linux Mint 19 and other Linux distributions with the use of software called Wine. Wine aims to reproduce the Windows libraries required to run Windows apps on non-windows platforms. Getting MT4 to run on Linux with Wine is relatively easy, however, the instructions below are for Linux Mint 19.. your mileage may very on other Linux distros, but do check the Execution Platforms forum for more HOWTOs with other distros. Unlike previous versions of Linux Mint, Linux Mint 19's default version of Wine can run MetaTrader 4. In the past we had to add our own source for Wine, but that's no longer needed.


2024-09-20 06:07

IndustryThe 'On Professionalism' Thread Series

CFDs and FX are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Between 74-89% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. Trading is risky. It isn't suitable for everyone and in some cases you could lose substantially more than your initial investment. When trading derivatives, you don't own or have rights in the underlying assets. Past performance is no indication of future performance and tax laws are subject to change. The information on this website is general in nature and doesn't take into account your personal objectives, financial circumstances, or needs. We encourage you to seek independent advice and the staff at FXGears does not hold themselves out as financial advisors.


2024-09-20 05:59

IndustryGold Outlook H2 2024

The first half of 2024 has gone as we had expected in our H1 forecast, with gold prices hitting repeated record highs throughout March and April, and once in May, before easing back on profit-taking. From a low of $1984 in February, gold reached a high so far of $2450 per ounce, marking a $465 or 23% rise before pulling back in the latter half of May. Heading into the second half of the year, the fundamental backdrop remains positive, pointing to a bullish gold forecast. Inflation is still going strong in the US and while it has fallen sharply in Europe and other parts of the world, the threat of deflation is slim. Investors (and central banks) that missed out on the big move will be keen to get their hands on the shiny metal on any noticeable dips in prices. We are also bullish on silver forecast for H2.


2024-09-20 05:59

IndustryGold Two-Hour Price Chart

It’s been a really bullish year for gold and even pullbacks from major and significant breakouts have been rather minor, in the big picture. And as I said in that pre-Fed article I’m not exactly looking to be extremely bearish on gold given how strong bulls have been so far this year. But – that also doesn’t mean that I’m looking to chase when price is far away from any nearby swing-lows. And given the potential for profit-taking on Friday ahead of the weekly close, there could be motive for trying to be patient, waiting for support and then looking at continuation scenarios. At this point that same 2544-2550 zone could suffice but given that it’s already seen a bounce, if that does come into play then we’d be looking at a lower-high provided bulls weren’t yet able to re-test 2600. That would point to the possibility of a bounce from that zone up to another lower-high, if it bounces at all. For that, I would then look to short-term resistance of 2570 or 2580, both levels that have had some degree of interest over the past couple days. As for key support, this isn’t all that creative but much like we saw from the most recent major move – it was prior range resistance that helped to set the floor that bulls drove from. That was in the 2477-2483 zone and the resistance to go along with that support (at prior resistance) was the 2527-2531 level. This was also a zone I had discussed in the gold strategy piece ahead of FOMC yesterday but it hasn’t yet come into play. A deeper pullback to that level would have a few items of interest for bullish continuation scenarios. And, notably, the 2531 level is confluent with the 50% mark of the Fibonacci retracement produced by the September major move; and both the 23.6% and 38.2% marks of that same study have had some claim for support already.


2024-09-20 05:55

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